Aspiring to stay natural, please help!


New Member
Hello Ladies,
I'm new to the site and I love it so far. I am a college student and I am determined to grow my hair long, naturally, but I need your help and support. Currently I am wearing my hair in box braid extensions. My hair always grows when I put in big box braids. My problem is maintaining the length I get from the braids. My dry hair always seems to have split ends. I recently started using castor oil and an anti-breakage moisterizer but the split ends keep coming back. Before I put in the braids I was washing my hair twice a week with a daily conditioning treatment in between washings. (I'm also having problems with my hair being breaking from tangles when it's wet). As much as I want to stay natural, I find it extremely hard to maintain my hair's length. Is it necessary for me to take vitamins? Should I get another trim? (my last trim was a month ago). Does anyone have any tips on what I should do about my natural, dry, tangles and split ended hair?
Trying to remain Miss Natural
Welcome to the LHCF.

There are quite a few natural ladies here. I'm sure they'll chime in and help you out here.
Hi MissNatural
Welcome. I totally agree with Allandra... just give it a few... our "natural" ladies will help u out... just hold on a bit
sup miss natural!

here's the thing i too am natural but i don't exactly have the sage wisdome that other member might have, but i tell you hat i know. if your wering braids you need to moisutrizes like feen! i always wear braids but i forget about the hair & scalp underneath. now i am using african pride braid spray and oilve oil on my scalp. when you take out the braids becareful cuz you can lose alot of hair that way too. i have heard of many women spraying condtioner or some of that braid removal stuff in their hair then taking them. good luck and i hope you get more advice. you might wanna try running a search to see if you can fine more natural and braid hair care.
Hi Miss Natural
I've been natural for a few years now and i had problems with dry hair and split ends as well
what works for me a modified no shampoo routine. I do conditioning washes every 2 to three days. every week a day before I do a conditioning wash I put a tea tree oil mixture on my hair. I also do an acv rinse every week. Just a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to about 20 ounces of water. I put shea butter on my hair while its still wet. and I spray with a glycerin water and conditioner mixture. If my ends are feeling especially dry I rub a little vitamin e on them. I shampoo monthly and when I shampoo I concentrate on the scalp only. It took me a while to find a routine that worked for me but my hair is very happy I kept looking
Good luck
<font color="blue">
Don't worry! Relax, relate..release!

First off, are you washing your hair with regular shampoo? Because for many natural ladies that is a no-no
. Most shampoos contain an ingredient called SLS--sodium laurly/laureth sulfate. This tends to be extremely drying and particularly harsh to natural hair, never mind the fact that you're doing it TWICE a week!??
No no...consider going no-poo.

Secondly: maybe the castor oil isn't doin' it for your hair. Not everyone's hair responds well to it. And remember oil is really only used to seal in moisture. Have u tried using a leave-in conditioner? Whenever I rock braids/twists my fav leave-in is Aussie Moist w/ Tea Tree oil. It's the BOMB. Not only does my braids/twists stay moisturized but I also have a bangin' twistout/braidout. I also use African Gold (or Royal ?) Braid sheen Conditioner spray. That does wonders for me hair too. I have a serious case of hands-in-fro disease lol.

I'm also trying to grow out my hair so right now I wear twists &amp; cornrows most of the times. I find that keeping my hair "in" or "contained" is the best way to preserve length at this point. PLuse it's extremely low-key in terms of maintenance which is PERFECT for me.

In between twists I condition wash with Aussie Moist and deep condition w/ Lekair Cholesterol and/or ORS Hair Mayo. Please make sure you are deep conditioning REGULARLY, esp. if ur hair is colored.

As far as the vitamins...they surely won't hurt but you need to focus on MAINTAINING length more than gettin' it right now. You didn't post any pics so I don't know health of your hair but don't trim unless you feel it's absolutely necessary. Your last trim was a month ago; it seems a lil too soon IMO.

Hope this helps! If you have any questions Holla! </font>
Poster: MissNatural
Hello Ladies,
I'm new to the site and I love it so far. I am a college student and I am determined to grow my hair long, naturally, but I need your help and support. Currently I am wearing my hair in box braid extensions. My hair always grows when I put in big box braids. My problem is maintaining the length I get from the braids. My dry hair always seems to have split ends. I recently started using castor oil and an anti-breakage moisterizer but the split ends keep coming back. Before I put in the braids I was washing my hair twice a week with a daily conditioning treatment in between washings. (I'm also having problems with my hair being breaking from tangles when it's wet). As much as I want to stay natural, I find it extremely hard to maintain my hair's length. Is it necessary for me to take vitamins? Should I get another trim? (my last trim was a month ago). Does anyone have any tips on what I should do about my natural, dry, tangles and split ended hair?
Trying to remain Miss Natural

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Hi MissNatural and welcome!

I've never worn braids but others on the board have and perhaps they will also post and correct any of my info.

My limited knowledge of caring for natural hair while in braids includes understanding the fact that some chemicals used in the manufacturing of extensions tend to rob moisture from natural hair. Two methods to combat this are pretreating the fibers before using them and/or using a super moisturing spray (commercial or homemade) on the length of the hair and especially concentrating on the natural ends. Some sprays I've seen mentioned are Better Braids Spray and various brands of curl activator such as Worlds of Curl and Carefree Curl. Homemade sprays are extremely popular too and may or may not include the following:

distilled or spring water
your favorite moisturizing conditioner
oils (olive, castor, jojoba, rosemary, peppermint, sweet apricot kernal, etc.)

As far as your hair breaking while it's wet

I'm going to take it as a given that you comb starting from the ends and then you work your way up as you detangle. So, have you considered new tools? I was reminded not too long ago that the tools you use (combs brushes, scrunchies, bands, etc.) are just as important as the products. I abandoned my old standby wide-tooth comb in favor of a surprisingly cheap Jilbere Shower Comb from Sally's. *Thanks to Valleygirl for bringing it to everyone's attention* I love this comb! It has no seams that will thin your strands making them prone to breaking. But be careful to inspect the tips of the teeth for loose, decorative ball thingies. I've read one post of someone needing to return her comb because of this defect.

Hey MissNatural, there's some good advice given here! I'd just add stay away from any heat for a while. Like you I had a problem with dry, split ends. Not using the blow dryer and hot oil treatments have helped immensly! I second what Kengne19 said!I did my first proper conditioner wash (no 'poo) last night and there was a great difference in how my hair felt

Take care amd good luck
I am transitioning right now so I can't offer you too much info about staying all naturale, but I can suggest some products and ideas that has helped me thus far.

So far I am 1 year and some change into my transition!!

Pantene Smooth and Sleek conditioner
Pantene Relaxed and Natural conditioner

These products have helped me with detangling.

Olive Oil

Great for hot oil treatments and pre-wash treatments to help maintain moisture in the hair.

Conditioner washes and deep conditioning are very neccesary.

Good luck and I hope that you remain natural.
natural for two years now, some advice

vitamins - it really depends on what you want them for. From what i gather, biotin is for growth, vit B5 for thickness, evening primrose oil and flaxseed oil for moisture and strength, MSM for softeness and loosening of texture (personally, i have not seen that with my hair, but prolly i'm not taking enough), silica for shine. As you can see, each nutrient has a specific function.
It all depends on what you want for your hair.

You have not really told us your hair type, or the length - you just say its weak, and breaking. I'll assume that your hair is type 4 (correct my presumption if its wrong). My hair is type 4(a) as well, so i will tell you what works for me.

I do take flaxseed oil for moisture (you can take cod liver oil, evening primrose).
MSM for my joints (primarily) and strength of hair.
Vit B complex for my PMS (but helps with hair, go figure)

I try to eat healthily - nuts, bran, muslei.

I try to drink alot of water. On this board, you will see that alot of ladies subscribe to the belief that healthy hair comes from within.

I'm trying to exercise more often - circulation of blood to body, all over - mad hair growth.

Everyweek without fail, i deep treat my hair with conditioners.

I dont have braids, so i can't advise you.
I technically do not use shampoo (like, i will use conditioners without cones for 'washing' my hair and prolly shampoo my hair once every two weeks).
Everyday i do try and spritz.

Probably, oils do not work for you.
Try jojoba or sunflower or sweetalmond oil. Give it two weeks. If your hair ends do not respond, probably, you are a 'no oiler'.

This means, basically, you need to investigate hair cremes or 'milks' that are glycerine or propene glycol based. Some good products to try (even though i am an 'oiler') is paul mitchell's the conditioner, and various spritzes with glycerine and distilled water. For a more indepth comment on the practice of 'no oil' please refer to

I think that's enough from me for now. I cant help you with the braids.

When i wore them, i did all manner of wrong - didn't rinse my hair, did not spritz, did not know any better. But my hair is long enough for various styles (i predominantly wear twists) so i cant see myself going back to braids anytime soon.

Another good hair board to try is - i do lurk there from time to time and have found the advice there helpful, especially if one is a 3c/4a/4b.


it is true the extensions dry your hair out. so before you use the extensions, swish them in a mixture of vinegar and water to clean it. i will bump up a thread on this for you!
Welcome. I see you already got some great advice. I want to emphasize keeping the ends moist. Also any oil that you add to your hair will work better if the hair is damp first. I learned this the hard way. Keep a bottle filled with some distilled water and mist with this before you oil. Also I agree with the others watch out for your shampoo and water(hard water dried my natural hair also dried my relaxed hair out too...although I didn't realize it at the time). Try the conditioning washes also... maybe shampoo only once a week and conditoning washes the other times. Also I agree castor oil is not for everyone...neither is gylcerine. You may have to find an oil that works for you. I love aloe vera oil...but I've only been able to find it at this website... From Nature
Great advice so far! I've been natural 3 years now &amp; haven't worn braids in a while (only 'cause I have no patience for them right now). But when I did, I applied a natural type oil to my scalp when it was itchy (Nexxus Botanic Oil is a good one) &amp; shampooed about once a week. When you take your braids down, you may want to trim at that time (especially if it's been 8-12 weeks since you put them in). Trimming, IMO, is very important; it'll get rid of split ends so they don't travel up the shaft &amp; ruin the whole strand. Also, since some people believe the chemicals in braid hair can be drying, maybe you could take a break from the braids. That'd be an excellent time to do deep conditioning on a regular basis &amp; get the moisture level back up. I wore a lot of protective styles when my hair felt dried out--I wore a bun a LOT (yes, it was boring, but it helped the health of my hair immensely). But there are so many other protective styles, like twists, knots, coils, etc.
Good luck!
Hello Ladies,
I'm new to the site and I love it so far. I am a college student and I am determined to grow my hair long, naturally, but I need your help and support. Currently I am wearing my hair in box braid extensions. My hair always grows when I put in big box braids. My problem is maintaining the length I get from the braids. My dry hair always seems to have split ends. I recently started using castor oil and an anti-breakage moisterizer but the split ends keep coming back. Before I put in the braids I was washing my hair twice a week with a daily conditioning treatment in between washings. (I'm also having problems with my hair being breaking from tangles when it's wet). As much as I want to stay natural, I find it extremely hard to maintain my hair's length. Is it necessary for me to take vitamins? Should I get another trim? (my last trim was a month ago). Does anyone have any tips on what I should do about my natural, dry, tangles and split ended hair?
Trying to remain Miss Natural

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Dear Miss Natural
You have some very good advice from the other natural ladies. I myself have my hair natural, which has been from one year and four methods. I don't wear my hair in any braids, but I rinse my hair daily with rosewater, glycerine, MSM, aloe vera gel, and IC styling gel, mixed with bottled or distilled water. I also wash my hair with Therappe shampoo and used humectress conditoner. The styles I tend to have my hair is in flat twists, cornrows or bantu knots. My styles last me for nearly a week and I am still able to rinse daily. There are some very good hair supplements, like Hair Formula 37, Hairtopia, GNC hair tablets, Andrew Lessman's Hair, skin and nails tablets. Also you can take extra amounts of Biotin 5-8 mg or Pantothenic acid (B5) approx 1000 mg to gain more length and more thickness. As you have braids, you should deep condition your hair and leave it out for two weeks for rebraiding, also it would be a good idea to do the conditioning washes and rinse daily. Wrap a towel around your hair, so that you can soak up the excess water, and your hair will airdry. Leave your braids no more than 6-8 weeks. You will have a lot of support and you will get long, natural hair. All the best and best of luck.
You have gotten alot of good advice here but I'm not to sure about the website on grow afro hair long. Granted her hair is long but it looks unhealthy to me.

The other site Nappturality is a natural hair care website where it helped me alot.

I wore braids during my transition (9 months) and you have to keep your hair well moisturized while in them b/c you will pay for it if you don't.

I think the castor oil may be the culprit of your dry hair. This happened to me while using it. I found that my hair hates oils and I no longer use them.
You may need to experiment with humectants (drawing moisture from the air) than oils. Humectants are glycerine and honey. alot of jheri curl sprays have glycerin in them. Why don't you try using a glycerine spray to add moisture to your hair.

At the moment I use the stay-sof-fro curl moisturizer which i add water to. It keeps my hair so soft and helps tangles.

You don't necessarily have to take vitamins I think you just gotta check what products you are using. It took my 4 months to find what worked for my hair.

Good luck
I would suggest drinking a lot of water and not using products that contain the following ingredients: lanolin, petroleum, mineral oil, any kind of sulfates or alcohol. It WILL be hard to find products that contain none of these ingredients, but you have to really look. Sometimes you may use products that contain those things and they may work for you. You'll just have to learn by trial and error. Eat lots of veggies and fruits (supposedly the dark colored veggies contain more nutrition). Some say get your ends clipped every 4-8 weeks. I say get your ends clipped when you see damage, which may be more or less than that time. A good leave-in conditioner is a must, like Infusium 23 or Daily Doctor-I use both. Try getting someone to massage your scalp. This stimulates blood circulation to the scalp and helps your hair grow. Hope this helps!
Welcome Girly!

Here's the have to stick to a regimen while you are wearing braids as well. Braids are very drying and so it is muy important for you to keep your braids/hair hydrated. Adrienne's braid regimen is the best braid regimen I have tried thus far. A lot of people have received great results following it. Let me know if you are interested and I will find it and forward it to you (If Adrienne's doesn't beat me to it).

I regards to drying...that is a big problem with being natural "dry hair". It wasn't until I got that under control that my hair started growing. I used Glycerin and water mixture everyday and oiled my ends with vaseline. This worked wonders! in addition to that, I rarely used heat and when I did, I had a protective cellophane placed on my hair.



I was wondering if you could foward me Adrienne's braid regimen. I currently have braids and every bit help is much needed.