Armpit Length Again, had to trim Vent!

Ok so heres my deal, Im on a my own no trim challenge which i believed id stick to of course but lately Ive noticed that im not looking so good hairwise and im also feeling depressed about it:blush:, yes depressed about my hair lol, I just couldnt figure out why my hair is limp and gross looking and NO MATTER what i do ( side parting etc) it wont look full, it just hangs flat and stringy and unflattering,, Today was the last straw for me, I had planned on having a good hair day and well that fell flat, literally:perplexed:nono: . Tonight when I got home I just started crying:blush: and decided I had to face the fact that my ends were just too damaged and its time for a trim , a 2 inch trim:wallbash: and with tear blurred eyes lol i began trimming and eveneed it up and my ends are now THICK and i couldnt be happier about that, my hair does not look shorter amazingly but it sure is thicker( i blunt cut it) and now it has all this volume and it looks like ME again:trampolin:trampolin:clapping:, so thats me now lol! Im back at armpit length AGAIN, it seems ill never get past it lol but i know i will if i take care of it,, my advice to anyone is,, its better to have shorter thicker hair thrn stringy unhappy longer hair and you'll feel so much better, its amazing!
See....I've been grappling with this myself...thinking about chopping the leftover previously highlighted hair from my ends (2-3 inches). Healthy hair always makes you feel good. I love a good challenge, but no trimming would lead me to no hair. Just can't do gotta do what's best for your hair texture and type. I'm so glad it all worked out for you!:D
You scared me, I thought you were really upset until I got to the end. I really hear you about getting rid of stringy ends. One day I was at event at my dd's school and I was observing the ladies hair (mostly white) and I was like okay she's sl, she's bsl, etc., it was kind of a game. Anyway, that night I really realized what big difference thickness and health made. I'm glad you're happy with your hair.
I feel you on hating stringy hair but also hate trims too. I cringe at the site of sissors but my hair always look so much better and fuller after a good trim.