ARGH!!! I'm SOOOOO Livid!!!


Well-Known Member
I feel like screaming till I'm outta my mind!!! ARGHHHH!!!:wallbash::wallbash:

This guy i dated for like a month back in May/June was great fun and I didnt expect anything serious outta it. I really jus needed a lil company.

Well fast forward to July, he stops calling, texting and answering my means of contact. Wanna ignore me? Fine!

End of July he gets into a major car accident and leaves a message on my facebook to call him on an alternate number cuz the previous was disconnected for a bit. FINE! He updates me, I feel sorry for him, we talk etc etc. We dont meet up, even though he invited me over. I was too annoyed at his previous male antics to re-kindle anything.

So last week or so, I asked "So wah was up with u cutting communication all of a sudden back in July?" No answer. Ok...weird, given that we spoke quite frequently about his accident and all. So i let it be. Saw him at a party and we chatted and I told him I'll be leaving the city by the end of the month. Call me etc. I didnt wanna meet up!!!! Heck, I jus dont understand his antics?

So TODAY, I bump into a friend and he tells me "hey I heard that X said to another guy that you LOVE him and cant get enough of him and you're CRYING about not being with him. So wassup with that?"
I'm like WHAT?!?!?!??!?! How did he formulate that I'm PINING OVER HIM??!??!?!

I'm fuming mad, i wanna scream and BREAK something. I'm 2 minutes away from a random act of violence!! (but i'm a Christian, so WOO-SAAA).

Can a get a lil understanding on this situation??
If it is not true than don't stress over it. Folks are going to say what they want to say, you know the truth. Leave that "can't get right" alone.
:huh: That is weird and random.
Well, somebody's playing games. And it doesn't matter who (the guy or the friend). :ohwell:
Just chill on him forreal altogether.
For all you know that accident wasn't even real :ohwell:
:Huh: ITA with the other poster. If it's not true, just let it slide. I know I know...easier said than done but someone appears to be looking for trouble. Just go use the energy to work out or clean or something constructive like that :hug:
:Huh: ITA with the other poster. If it's not true, just let it slide. I know I know...easier said than done but someone appears to be looking for trouble. Just go use the energy to work out or clean or something constructive like that :hug:

I know I shouldnt react to random gossip. But I hate it when ppl gossip about me. I ABHOR it!! And the fact that I'm branded as a crying, sore loser sets me off even more! Perhaps it's a wind-up? Argh! I jus wish men wouldnt be so darn confusing!

* to de-stress :ohwell:
I would have laughed and told him someone was obviously making up stories, because you ae anything but stressed over him.

Don't let it drive you mad...go out and have some fun!
If it is not true than don't stress over it. Folks are going to say what they want to say, you know the truth. Leave that "can't get right" alone.
I so agree, he was very immature and silly. Just do you and move on from that, next thing you know they be telling him he crazy you aint thinking about his behind. You can never stop people from talking they talk whether its good or bad or not interesting at all.
Yeah that's happened to me before and I understand your frustration. I hate people lying on me. I hate it. This to shall pass. You'll forget about it in no time.
Can a get a lil understanding on this situation??


Understand that this guy is a JACKASS.

Delete his number. Get rid of other contacts (i.e. MySpace, Facebook, etc). Stop. Do not pass go. Get this loser out of your life like you'd pour some nasty a$$ milk down the drain.

Understand that this guy is a JACKASS.

Delete his number. Get rid of other contacts (i.e. MySpace, Facebook, etc). Stop. Do not pass go. Get this loser out of your life like you'd pour some nasty a$$ milk down the drain.

thankx all u ladies.
I'm more irritated than anything else.
Like drasgrl said, I HATE ppl lying on my name.
But i'm doing my best to get over it and avoiding him at all costs.
:huh: That is weird and random.
Well, somebody's playing games. And it doesn't matter who (the guy or the friend). :ohwell:
Just chill on him forreal altogether.
For all you know that accident wasn't even real :ohwell:

I agree with this! RUN!!!!!

I knew some men like this, who were either delusional or were professional game players. Either way, I do not have the time for delusional people. I think sometime they are better alone.