Are you willing to accept that...

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maybe you just won't get to brastrap length? Waistlength?
Lemme further explain- many can and will achieve their goals,but what if you hair starts to get thinner the longer it is? Would you be willing to cut the thin ends?
I remember when I had a relaxer and my hair looked so much healthier when it was below shoulder length,but when it was below my brastrap, my hair looked thinner.
i know i can get to waist length because i was there when i was hair is much healthier than it was then now that its natural and im taking care of it so im sure it could get to waist length and even better than it did then...

im not really trying to get there though because of what you mentioned about hair getting thinner as it gets goal is to have mid-back length (when straightened/stretched)
i think id be willing to cope with not getting to waist length..without mtg my natural hair doesnt grow fact neither did my relaxed willing to hope and pray..but by means of genetics, my mom has almost waist length hair (she started growing it maybe 4 years ago..before her hair was like maybe an inch long with the back shaved)...same with other women in my family..

i think that in any case its in my genes but moreover im already close relaxed...when i go natural, and i will at some damn point, lol i think it'll probably grow longer with less breakage because i remember when i had regular coiled hair- there was little to no breakage..the chemicals were what really did it..
Caramela said:
Sure, I could accept not getting to waistlength, although I am almost there. Thin ends are not cute :nono:

hahaha i saw that smiley face and i was like awwww i ends are so fuzzy and split up because ive refused to get trims from all these years where crappy hair dressers should have just trimmed but instead have given me a cut...

i definitely when i get past my breasts (which would be almost almost waistlength on my body) i'll probably start trimming the ends to keep them in shape..i definitely need to because from getting a bad razor cut when i was young and other misshaps, i definitely need to do it...
Very interesting topic....

I have recently accepted that my hair will likely never reach brastrap and it truly doesn't bother me. I am more concerned with my figure than my hair anyway!:rofl:

I would like it to be about 3 inches below shoulder length and thick to the ends. I cant STAND that see through hair. Every time I see someone like that, I want to cut it myself :nono:
Right now I'd be glad to make it to shoulder length without it breaking off.

Brastrap isn't even on the radar.

nicki6 said:
I cant STAND that see through hair. Every time I see someone like that, I want to cut it myself :nono:

:lol: you are just like me... i just want to say, ooh u need a trim :look:

ok...hmm i HOPE my hair gets to my goal. It's not even waistlength, but it's a few inches above it. The longest my hair has been was midback, so going a few inches longer than that is sort of the unknown for me. I've watched people grow their hair out that long, so I hope I can too. So far, no obstacles, except the desire to have a blunt cut :look: but that would mean losing some length you now. I'd rather trim it myself, in sections. Once I get to midback in december (crossing fingers) I will enjoy my hair a little more, but i'll be watching those ends to make sure they don't start thinning, so that I can get to my goal by mid- 2006 :)
Well I thought for a while that I coudnt grow my hair passed BSL and guess what it didn't until I started beleiving I could and taking better care of my hair. Now I'm there, sometimes you just have to wait thin ends out, like stay at that length with trimms instead of cutting back to a shorter length, and give the rest of the hair a chance to catch up. Most peoples hair does not grow even anyway. I mean if you accept that then dont even try then how will you ever know? I personally am going to continue living in the dreamland where I believe my hair can grow to my knees if I want. :lol: The growafrohairlong lady says dont speak defeat, you shouldn't accept defeat either.
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Lucia said:
Well I thought for a while that I coudnt grow my hair passed BSL and guess what it didn't until I started beleiving I could and taking better care of my hair. Now I'm there, sometimes you just have to wait thin ends out, like stay at that length with trimms instead of cutting back to a shorter length, and give the rest of the hair a chance to catch up. Most peoples hair does not grow even anyway. I mean if you accept that then dont even try then how will you ever know? I personally am going to continue living in the dreamland where I believe my hair can grow to my knees if I want. :lol: The growafrohairlong lady syas dont speak defeat, you shouldn't accept defeat either.

I believe what you're saying about waiting the thin ends out, so I'll have to give up my "blunt end" addiction. I lost 2 inches of hair last week after my perm because I don't like them. Looking back, it was a HUGE mistake because I had NO split ends whatsoever. You made some really good points...and I thank you:kiss:
My mom's dreadlocks are past her frickin KNEES! So hell, my natural hair can at least reach the damn brastrap! Imma be pissed as hell if it doesn't.

I know I will reach waist length one day....I have had a lot of setbacks, but I tend to trim my hair as soon as my ends start looking ragedy. I would much rather have thick healthy looking bra strap hair than thin waist length. My dh and I were walking our neighbors dog yesterday and all the sudden he was like "dang your hair has gotten really long." He just kept talking about it, lol, but on the same hand I feel like my ends are looking thin, so I am going to trim soon. Health over length any day of the week for me!
Im pretty sure I can get to BSL... Well I hope :p

But waistlenght is probably outta my reach... And I am perfeclty fine w/that. I just like my hair to be healthy.... Lenght is good too but healthy is better. :D
I never really wanted waistlength hair. At 5'10" I could just imagine how long that is and 2 I have enough issues as it is. I just let it grow until it starts to look like its reached its length and be done. I just want HEALTHY HAIR.
Also when you have waistlength and decide to go natural!!! WOW...that would be a LONG transition!
Yes I am willing to accept it and I am fine with it. I don't aim for BSL because even though I generally take good care of my hair, I don't do enough protective styles. I'd have to live in baggy buns or twists or braids for at least 6 months, and I refuse to do that, I love to enjoy my hair and have it out once in a while.
I am going to continue pressing toward my goal of natural hair and reaching waist length in the I am not willing to accept that my hair may never reach that length because I believe it will. As far as thin ends...I try to maintain a blunt cut twice a year. My hair grows unevenly but I am not cutting it straight across until I get to that goal.
Arcadian said:
Right now I'd be glad to make it to shoulder length without it breaking off.

Brastrap isn't even on the radar.

You and me both. I've opted for healthy hair over all. I can always weave again.
I can accept it if I never grow to bs... but I don't think I'll have that problem. I've had waistlength relaxed hair before coming to the boards... Now that I'm natural, I'm sure that I should be able to grow & retain bs length.

OH yeah, I'll definitely cut thin unhealthy looking ends... (( If I could cut all of my relaxed hair to go natural, certainly I can cut thin ugly looking ends :D ))
I could accept not getting BS too. It´s not that big of a deal. As long as my hair is still thick and healthy then I´m happy
I accept it. I never got to brastrap with my relaxed hair anyway. I like my hair to have volume. When relaxed the longer it got, the less volume it had. It was just straight and made my face look longer. Waistlength was never a goal of mine.
The growafrohairlong lady syas dont speak defeat, you shouldn't accept defeat either.
I was kinda thinkin the same thing when I saw the post title. I mean, this goes back to the basics of hair care. Hair is always growing---always. It is possible for anyone to get to waist length or longer. Some people may have to wait longer and do more than others but it can be done no matter what type of "genetics" you have. And if you get to BSL or longer and have see through ends its because you are not trimmin those ends in the first place. The key to growth is to take care of whats on the ends, because whats at the roots is always growing. Some faster than others but it is growing.

Don't speak Defeat! :)
I would be willing to accept that I cant make it to waist-length, Ive pretty happy with my length right now and my ends are thick enough for me. So if my hair is at its max-length, Id be pretty happy about it...of course it wouldnt hurt to get to waist length but if not, Im satisfied.
Arcadian said:
Right now I'd be glad to make it to shoulder length without it breaking off.

Brastrap isn't even on the radar.


So offtopic, but I love your siggy! Is that you? It looks so real, with the mole on top of the mouth. How cute!
i Can't stand to have thin ends. i clip my ends once a month. with thin ends my hair have no body. i hate it when i bend my head down and my hair is still in the air. it looks horrible. Currently my hair is about 2-3 inches past shoulder lenght. my goal is bra strap i believe i can make it. it's making it without major breakage is the problem. but with the help of all the hair wisdom ladies on this forum i believe i can make it safe and sound.
FeelinIt said:
My mom's dreadlocks are past her frickin KNEES! So hell, my natural hair can at least reach the damn brastrap! Imma be pissed as hell if it doesn't.


:lachen: OMG you're killing me!
honey_jammz82 said:
I know I will reach waist length one day....I have had a lot of setbacks, but I tend to trim my hair as soon as my ends start looking ragedy. I would much rather have thick healthy looking bra strap hair than thin waist length. My dh and I were walking our neighbors dog yesterday and all the sudden he was like "dang your hair has gotten really long." He just kept talking about it, lol, but on the same hand I feel like my ends are looking thin, so I am going to trim soon. Health over length any day of the week for me!

Amen Sista!
I am hopeful because I have been BSL before:lol:. But it was by "accident, because I wasnt properly taking care of my hair at the time and it all eventually broke off:(.
If I had never experienced BSL I probably would have given up by now.
well i never wanted bra strap length. if i reach armpit length ill be happy.i dont like short hair on me but if its thin then ill cut it. cuz i really hate thin hair.
nicki6 said:
I believe what you're saying about waiting the thin ends out, so I'll have to give up my "blunt end" addiction. I lost 2 inches of hair last week after my perm because I don't like them. Looking back, it was a HUGE mistake because I had NO split ends whatsoever. You made some really good points...and I thank you:kiss:
Youre welcome. :)
Youll get those 2 inches back in no time just keep on growing. Maybe you should trimm/cut when you get to 2 inches passed your goal for the blunt cut.
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i am willing to accept that hair has probably reached its stopping point.... my ends are getting thinner, and i will soon be whacking them off... lol