Are you too sensitive about your hair???


New Member
I find that I am. Just the other day I was washing my hair and I broke a few strands due to the fact that one of my nails had a split in it and my wet hair got caught up in it. I was angry. I'm thinking, okay here we go.......another setback ( It was really like 3 strands).

Are you sensitive about your hair?
I find that I am. Just the other day I was washing my hair and I broke a few strands due to the fact that one of my nails had a split in it and my wet hair got caught up in it. I was angry. I'm thinking, okay here we go.......another setback ( It was really like 3 strands).

Are you sensitive about your hair?

I know what you mean. I used to be fanatic about any and every shed or broken hair. I mean seriously checking to see if any hair coming out during the wash had a bulb or not.

I don't do that anymore though. If its excessive then I know to do a treatment to address the problem, but that hasn't happened to me in a long time.
I know what you mean. I use to check every stand to make sure it is a shedded strand and not breakage.