Are there any transitioners cowashing frequently?


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering because it seems that the hair should not be manipulated as much as possible because of succeptability to breakage at the demarcation point.

But this wave gel, s-curl combo feels sooo doggone gross and my head is itchy all the time.(probably growth but still) I feel like I need to run some water through it and start fresh.
Are you guys cowashing everyday, everyother day? couple times a week? or lo manipulation?
I've wondered this also, since I rinse my hair with waterI do braid outs every day.( I experimented with cowashing everyday)
I just minimize the heat, do light protein treatments, deep condition, use leave conditioner/oil/butters and hope for the best!
I am 1 year and 2 months into my transition and I condition wash daily (sometimes I skip a day and just wet my hair) and I've had no problems. I work in a corporate environment so I just bun everyday with my edges slicked down so I don't want to risk any build up.
not a transitioner - not yet at least - but i am 6mos post and have oodles of NG. i co-wash once weekly with my hair braided to reduce tangling and extra manipulation and so far, so good.
I think the more you cowash the better..I use to cowash my hair throughout the week and it really made my ng soft. It was only when I stopped or narrowed it down to 1xa wk that my ng became a lot to deal w/ and I will definitely be adding cowashing back into the routine throughout the week..especially as the months progress.
During my transition, I cowashed frequently, especially in the last months. I transitioned for 14 months.
i co-wash once during the week and do a regular wash and condition on the weekend. I love that freshly washed feeling, but i feel my hair sheds more in the shower (just ask the gallon of draino by my tub) so i will not mess with washing my hair more than twice a week.
I'm 10 months into my transition and CW 2-3 times a week when I'm not being lazy and working out often.

I did NOT CW in the beginning, but around month 7, I started and it really has been awesome for me. I rarely use shampoo now... Only to clarify or when I'm wanting to wear my hair down and straight.

ETA: I get very little shedding as compared to the last time I tried to transition and did not ever CW.
I think the more you cowash the better..I use to cowash my hair throughout the week and it really made my ng soft. It was only when I stopped or narrowed it down to 1xa wk that my ng became a lot to deal w/ and I will definitely be adding cowashing back into the routine throughout the week..especially as the months progress.

I agree completely! My NG is so soft! And very managable. CWing made me realize my hair isn't as difficult to manage as I thought the first time I transitioned.
I've transitioned for 22 month and have co-washed daily (except in winter months, but even then, it was at least 3 times a week and I'd do it at night so I didn't go out with wet hair)
you guys rock! Thank you for responses. It appears that co-washing often is the way to go! Boy I was just looking to get the gunk out, but the added benefit is to help maintain soft new growth. I do shed a lot tho when cowashing or poo washing. But...when I use megatek as a prepoo, I get less shedding. We'll see how it goes. Thanks LHCF fam :-)