Are there 2 different types of Silicon Mixes?

Mrs. Wright

New Member
I've noticed that many people have mentioned using Rivas Silicon Mix Capilar treatment, but the only Silicon Mix I've found was the one by Avanti. Can someone please tell me if this is the same one that everyone has been raving about?
I've heard that it's really good for new growth, but it really didn't do anything for my new growth. Granted my hair was very soft when it was wet, but after I dried it, my new growth was poofy again. :perplexed
You know something? The Jar does say Avanti but when I order it online it says Rivas, perhaps Rivas is the labortory or parent company, but on the front of the white jar, with blue lettering says Avanti so it's one in the same.

There is another Silicon Mix I know of that I saw in a Dominican salon it has a sky blue sticker wrapped around it and it says it contains rice, I don't know about that one though. But the Rivas/Avanti is the one everyone (including myself) raves about.
As far as new growth, I believe the longer you leave it on the better manageable it is. Granted it doesn't straighten it out but it does make it easier to comb through, if I'm not wet-setting my hair, I'm accompanying it with a rollerset under hood-dryer and then flat-ironing the roots.
Being silicon based, does it coat the hair and prevent hair from responding to humidity? Anyone with natural hair using it?

Thanks for starting this thread, I've been wondering about this product.

This is what it looks like
Thank you, this is the right one then. Next time I'll leave it on a little longer and see how that works for my new growth. :)