are pin curls better for your ends than curlers?


New Member
I was reading a magazine article about split ends that said, to my great surprise that 'if you minmize your heat-styling, using rollers or hooded dryers, for example, you should have no problem if you don't trim the ends for twelve weeks.' Does that mean that rollers cause damage or that rollers are a better alternative to using heat? I know heat is bad for your hair, but are rollers bad as well? What should I do to get curls when my hair is down, should I do pin curls? I'm getting ready to take my hair down for a week after having it exclusively in protective styles for a month and I really don't want to have any setbacks.
Ive been rollersetting for years and I found that I have to trim less than when i would blow dry and curl my hair. I also wrap to smooth the hair rather than blow drying which allows me to forgoe any heat touching my hair for a week or I blow out the roots and let the curl fall naturally. I dont bun but I do use a bear claw clip which has been really beneficial for me as I dont have to use a band to put my hair in a ponytail and my ends stay protected.

Roller setting/wrapping is still considered to be a "heat" style but some (myself included) believe it to be the least harmful heat style. If you can roller set and air dry than all the more better. Rollers can be damaging when they are applied incorrectly such as pulling the hair too tight around the rollers, staying under the dryer too long or pinning the rollers to each other (instead of to the scalp first, then to each other) as that allows for the weight of a whole head of rollers to be supported by the top rollers.

Pin curling is better for your hair than rollers because your hair will first be pulled around a roller and then be subjected to all the tension of you tossing and turning during your sleep. But on the other hand, lots of people use curlers and their hair thrives... so i would try a bunch of different things-wrapping, setting, pin curls- your hair will tell you what it likes :grin: Hope that helps!
are there any good pins to use when rollersetting? The metal ones in the salon ALWAYS break my hair and rip it out. Are there better alternatives?