Are All Neutralizing Shampoos Created Equal?/My Self Relaxing Summary


With Love & Silk
I was so eager that I went ahead and did my self relaxing exploit. I had a long post about it, but my computer knocked me off line while I was typing. Quick summary:

*I give myself a B- (with A+ being perfect and F being I balded myself with the relaxer), not perfect but I'm satisfied enough to keep saving that $70 trip to the salon
*I was really slow,(took twice as long as the relaxer recommended) but thank goodness for resistant hair. :)
*80-85% is pretty straight, 15-20% is a bit underprocessed but not enough to cause breakage
*I used Silk Elements Regular Lye which I'll definitely use again. It was very gentle, I didn't feel a tingle until about 35 minutes in. $3.99--can't beat that!
*Thanks to all the ladies who encouraged and gave tips. I'm happy to be in the self relaxing "club" and I have a newfound respect for you.

Now about neutralizing 'poo. I found the Silk Elements 'poo to be so DRYING, ugh! (and they can keep their little moisturizing conditioner too :( ) Are all neutralizing 'poos so drying? I know some have raved about Elucence Moisture Acidifying Shampoo. Is this one better? Are there any that are better and won't do such a drying number on the hair?
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I agree with you about Silk Element's neutralizing.

I LOVE the ORS creamy aloe Neutralizing. Very yummy and A little goes a long way. I also love the Profectiv Foaming one. It is not as moisturizing, IMO, but I love how easy it is to apply. I really feel confident that I cover well with it.
I don't know why but I found the Silk Elements moisturizing enough for a neutralizing shampoo but I am planning on buying the ORS aloe shampoo. Also the profectiv neutralizing foam shampoo is also good.

Wow honey I post my thoughts and then I read yours and realized are post is almost identical.

Just to add I love the Elucence acidifying. I use it almost everytime I wash my hair. I use that then a moisturizing shampoo.
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Definitely not, Supergirl. I use Elasta QP Neutralizing shampoo and I love it so much that I use it almost every time I shampoo. Try something different. BTW I am so happy you're self relaxing.
I am a HUGE fan of the noisture acidifying poo, I use it amost every wash because it cleans so well, yet leaves my hair soft and detangled. When i relax (this sounds so time consuming) I use the phyto neutralizing poo the first 2 lathers (leave each on for 5 mins) use elucence Volume clarifying afterwards, and THEN use the acidifying one lather.

the eleucence acidifying poo is great, and I believe you'll be pleased with it.
I think you ladies are very wise to use an acidifier post relaxers. To bring the PH back to normal. Vitamin C crystals dissolved in water as a soaking rinse is said to be excellent as well. bonjour.
anky said:
Definitely not, Supergirl. I use Elasta QP Neutralizing shampoo and I love it so much that I use it almost every time I shampoo. Try something different. BTW I am so happy you're self relaxing.

I've use this and it was harsh for me. I wanted to love it. However, Anky your hair looks beautiful.
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Congrats on a successful self relaxer:lachen: :lachen: I used Silk elements lye on Tuesday, and neutralized with Vitale after using their porosity condi. Profectiv neutralizing mousse is wonderful. I found CON shampoo to be too harsh!
Yes, I remember using the Profectiv Mousse as a regular shampoo at one time. I really liked it. I think I'll go with that next time. Thanks hair buddies. :up:
I'm using & loving Ilora Neutralizing Shampoo. Looked at Profectiv's Neutralizing Mousse a few days ago, but put it back on the shelf because I was afraid to "mess up a good thing". :lol: Maybe I will give it a try when my Ilora runs out. :D