April 5, 2010- I did my BC! *Pic heavy*


New Member

Well ladies, after an 11 month & 3 day transition, I. AM. NATURAL! :yep:

I am so pleased that my transition is over and I can begin focusing on growing a long, healthy, thick, beautiful head of waist length hair (that's my ultimate goal).

I did my BC last night...my appointment was at 6pm. My DH went with me but didn't have any positive comments. He's a long hair lover, so he'll be back on my jock when it grows long. I didn't expect him to be ecstatic, but mute was a little disappointing. :sad:

Oh well, I got home and began to play in my beautiful curls, waves and kinks and fell in love with my hair all over again. :love:

My mom doesn't like it. How does someone say something is "cute" and then list 5 negative remarks about it immediately thereafter?? :rolleyes:

Oh well, I overnight DC'd with Mizani Moisturefuse and began to see my curlies really form. Again :love:

I've gotten tons of good feedback from some friends, sorors and my natural hair support group! I'm a happy camper! :D I did a wash n go today with Tigi Bedhead Moisture Maniac & added Olive Oil Ecostyler Gel to it. :nono: I think I may have overdone it with the Eco. I could see olive green flakes forming. Rinsed that out. Reapplied Moisture Maniac, ran a little Giovanni anti-frizz through, waxed my edges with Garnier Fructis, tied a scarf around my edges for about 30 minutes and rolled with it. :drunk:

This is truly a journey, b/c I am honestly digging deep in my confidence reserve to withstand some of the negative/ neutral opinions. I am looking within. I know why I became natural and I know that all of the haters will be asking for advice and jumping on my bandwagon when my hair is long and luxurious! Until then, let them hate cuz it's really FUELING MY FIRE!

So, now the fun begins...regimen development, length checks, and HHG! :D

I really want to thank everyone on here who has been gracious enough to befriend me, give advice, provide tips, support and share regimens/ product reviews. Thanks ladies for your inspiration and support. And now, what you all have been awaiting............. the pics:


BC in progress


hair on the ground, hair on the ground! :lachen:


Back view (sorry...a little grainy...or my mirror's dirty!) :spinning:


BC side view


BC texture


BC length front (my entire head is about 5 1/2-6" long)


BC length back (again, about 5 1/2-6")


BC front...another good view of the texture

AND THE FINALE..................


Working with what God gave me!!!!! :D

I'm not sure what my hair type is yet. My curls are kind of big. I think I am a Type IV on the Mizani typing system or between a Type III & IV. ??? And maybe a 3B on Andre's system. ??? I don't know for sure, I just know...I'm NATURAL!!!!!!!!! :yay: Yippy skippy! Neato mosquito!

Thanks for looking and feel free to comment!
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Guesses on hair my type, anyone?

Anyone think they're my hair twin? I will need some additional help. :)
Your texture and hair looks great! I am definitely not a twin, but I'm hoping some ladies will come in and help. Congrats on your BC!
Congratulations on your decision to Big Chop!

Guesses on hair my type, anyone?

Anyone think they're my hair twin? I will need some additional help. :)
Your hair texture looks like it's a type 2. You have a loose/wavy curl pattern. Type 3 is slightly tighter curl and Type 4 is very tight, coily, and kinky.
I love BC threads! I don't think you ever needed a relaxer either. In these pics your hair looks to be in the 2's maybe a little 3. That' might change as it learns to curl up again though.

Aww I love it! Looks great. Congrats on your BC! Let me hurry and get outta this thread before my BC urge comes back lol.
Yea Diva!!!!! So excited for you b/c I know you've been waiting for this. Congratulations and HHG!!! Welcome to the dark side :) (jk).

ETA: I do agree with others that your hair appears to be more of a 2 or 3 :)
Your hair looks really nice! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you love yours as much as I love my natural hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think your hair looks nice. Your curls are gorgeous, can't see why you relaxed in the first place.

Mostly for ease and b/c I was young and straight was in...I wish I never had! But I'm glad I have seen the light! :)

I love BC threads! I don't think you ever needed a relaxer either. In these pics your hair looks to be in the 2's maybe a little 3. That' might change as it learns to curl up again though.


Type 2 might be a bit problematic for the look I like. We shall see.

Yea Diva!!!!! So excited for you b/c I know you've been waiting for this. Congratulations and HHG!!! Welcome to the dark side :) (jk).

ETA: I do agree with others that your hair appears to be more of a 2 or 3 :)

Thanks for your input, soror! :)

I'm nowhere near your texture but CONGRATULATIONS, it does look great!

Thanks for all of your transition support! :)
OMG congratulations!!!! How exciting!!
How long did you transition? I could've sworn you said you wanted to do a long term. Your hair is beautiful!!

I would say you are a 3B, but I could be wrong. Either way your waves and curls are very pretty!