Apparently I've been doing "protective styling" for years . . .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
. . . with no results.

For the past several years, I've almost exclusively worn my hair in low ponytails/buns. Yet, I did not experience the massive growth that protective styling is supposed to bring . . . if anything, this style caused me to lose some of my edges and to have breakage in the back of my head. Now, admittedly a lot of this is because of my own poor hair care (lack of a regiment and knowledge about how to maintain healthy hair). But I'm wondering - will using these styles help me now that I'm armed with greater knowledge (about moisture, protein, etc.)? Or, should I try to find a new protective style? Or should I just get my hair braided to get me over the SL hump?

Thanks for any insight and advice!
i think it could. i dont think protective styles are absolute necessary but they can help. but make sure it's loose. it doesnt make sense to keep doing it if your edges are suffering or if you are falt ironing every day to make a bun.
Yes, they will help now that you're doing everything else. It's the combination of good methods that help you retain length. If you're concerned about your edges, just do styles that are low tension, i.e. braidouts, rollersets, twistouts, bantu knots, loose ponytails/buns, etc.
I so feel you because I wear my hair up ALL the time. But I woudnt moisturize or even wash my hair for days. Then when I did I raked the comb through it and have balls of hair. My hair is thick so I didnt think it was hurting but it never grows longer and its not close to being even. And then when I get my hair done my ends would be horrid so that meant a cut. But I know my hair is dry dry dry! So now I make an effort to DC and moisturize and wash on a regular basis and no cuts! So hopefully it will get better for you and me!