
I did my first aphoghee treatment and my hair feels so awesome!:woot: It was feeling wonderful. I am able to touch my hair and not have shedding!:blush: It is totally wonderful!:cloud9: I just want to know how often to use it? I can enjoy doing my hair again!:drunk: I used the whole system including the 2 step and moisture treatment. Do you use the aphoghee shampoo each time you wash? What ways do you use the reconstructrizer? I hope someone can help me with this.
Which of the Aphogee tx did you use? Was it the hardcore one that doesn't smell very good or the 2 Minute Reconstructor?

If it's the hardcore one, I would use it every six weeks. If it's the 2 Minute Reconstructor, it's okay to use it every other week.

My former stylist is against the hardcore one, she feels it's too strong to put on hair. The 2 Minute one is a whole lot gentler on the hair. Please don't misunderstand me, do what works for you, everything isn't for everybody and if it's working, make it do what it do and please continue to share with us!!!
I used the one that made your hair like a helmet.:lachen: I do have the softer one, too. Does anyone use the shampoo each time they wash?
I use the poo maybe every other, but it could be used every week if needed. I like my CON green better......
I used the one that made your hair like a helmet.:lachen: I do have the softer one, too. Does anyone use the shampoo each time they wash?

I use the shampoo and 2 min along with the Pro-vitamin Leave in and Green Tea at each wash day, right now every two weeks. During the warmer months, weekly. I have had no problems. I am natural if that matters. I have never used the hard core treatment, I have no need for it. I love the products.
I just used silicon mix to see if it would soften my hair after my hardcore treatment. Let me tell you that I love how my hair feels and how little hair I lost this time!:yep: I think this will extend my transition and I am so happy that I brought Aphoghee! I believe I can successfully long transition now. I can successfully wear my hair out and enjoy it again!:drunk: I can't wait to finally be a long haired natural in the future!:yay:
I'm glad you got great results. Aphogee rocks- doesn't it?? I use the 2 recon every week. The hard core, only when I am experiencing a lot of breakage. I recently reached a growth milestone and I really believe Aphogee had a lot do with it. My hair didn't break as often and I was able to retain length.

As for the shampoo, I use it only when I need to clarify and I need something with an SLS in it.
I do a hard core protein treatment before I blowdry and, in between the recommended six week minimum one can repeat the process, I use the 2 minutes mild protein treatment as needed or I'll use an egg. The average number of times I've used protein in a year (2007, 2008, 2009) thus far has been 2-3 including hard core and mild. I have the Aphogee Green Tea reconstructor spray (I forget the exact name) but I haven't finished that one bottle in years.
I use Aphoghee hard core every 6 to 8 weeks. I use the 2 min every week followed by a dc. I alternate between the shampoo for damaged hair and the deep moisture shampoo. I use the leave in and green tea every week on wash day and after my cowashes.
I do the hard 2 step treatment every 6 weeks. After I use the Balance Moisturizer, I still DC with heat for 30 min. I also alternate between the Deep Moisture Shampoo and Shampoo for Damaged Hair (unless I'm using Keracare Itchy Scalp). I used to use the 2 minute reconstructor every 2-3 weeks, but I think it's making my hair shed. If I'm using heat to dry (indirect or direct...which is rare) I use the Green Tea Spray as well.
Aphogee 2-step is my ultimate staple :love: I use it when my hair wants it (which usually works out to be every 6-8 weeks). I gave away the shampoo, I barely use the 2 min, because I don't really need light protein treatments in between...and Silicon Mix is another staple :love2:...glad you like it!
are many naturals using this?
I'm not relaxed anymore but I never thought of using protein since I'm so prone to dryness. Should I try the 2 min?
Since doing the Aphoghee treatment, the hair texture on my left side is now holding twists!:yep: I still have to roll my ends to keep them, but now I can start doing protective styling for the rest of my transition. I hope to be able to do this until I end my transition.
aphoghee is my #1 staple!! i love it:grin:
i use the poo EACH time and i use the reconstructor very often as for the protein (hard) treatment i use it every 2-3 mths. i would use it more often but i have color and i dont want it to strip it. aphoghee has made my hair so nice and i would never stop using it!! its the best :grin: