Aphogee-Protein Experts Welcome.....


Well-Known Member
I use Motions CPR once a month which is considered a mild protein. Should I include a hard protein such as Aphogee to my regimen 2 weeks before a relaxer, (thus one month CPR, next month Aphogee) I am unfamiliar with Aphogee products so can someone shed some light in terms of the shampoo, treatment conditioner and and moisturising conditioner afterwards. Is there a possiblity that I could overdose on protein even though they are to be apllied 1 month apart?

My hair does not break at all it just sheds a normal amount, in light of that is it imperative/beneficial to incorporate a hard protein like Aphogee into my regimen?

Thank you
I'd consider Aphogee usage for more damaged hair. In my opinion, if your hair is not severely damaged/breaking, and is pretty good shape, I'd continue regular usage of the milder CPR to maintain the health of your hair.
for aphogee to work it has to dry into basically a hard helmet.

i use it right after i put in my relaxer and color. to rebuild what i have just broken down. but only b/c i put my hair through so much.

you may not need it if you're only experiencing normal shedding.

if you do decide to use it (i only use the treatment and balancing moisturizer--not the shampoo) make sure you get a really good conditioner to balance out the drying effects of the treatment.
if it's just normal shedding, you don't need to use the aphogee. the aphogee treatment is more for excessive shedding/breakage.

you cannot steam ur hair while using the aphogee. you have to apply it to wet hair and sit under a hooded dryer (no plastic cap) and in about 15 mins, your hair will become 'hard'. Rinse out using no manipulation and apply a moisturizing conditioner to your hair afterwards (to soften it back up).
About their shampoos, i don't like them. The only other aphogee product i own is their balancing moisturizer which is to be used after the treatment (which is mix with my humecto).
Thank you ladies, Im going to use it in order to strengthen my hair before that dreaded no-lye relaxer...