Aphogee 2 Min Recon


New Member
i want to phurcase this and use it maybe once a month, is it considred a protien treatment?? i know its not as serious as the 2 step but i wanted to make sure

i wanted to do my normal wash use the 2 min recon and then dc..

Yes, it's protein but not as hard as the 2-step hardcore treatment. Some people use it every week. Some people use it every other week. And some once a month. It depends on how much protein you need and how your hair reacts to protein. And yep, you should also follow it up with a moisturizing DC.
I use it to deep conditon every other wash (I wash every 5-7 days so thats every 10-14 days). I don't follow with a moisturizing dc but i do use a good moisturizing leave-in. I plan on using it less as my hair gets healthier and stronger.