AO's Selenium Natural Blue Shampoo


Well-Known Member
AO\'s Selenium Natural Blue Shampoo

Has anyone ever used this shampoo and did you really get a rich blue lather like it says on the bottle? I just used it and my lather was white.
Anyone know what that might mean?
Re: AO\'s Selenium Natural Blue Shampoo

I got it. I didnt get a rich blue lather either but I rubbed some in my hands and saw a hint of blue. It felt great in my hair. with natural products, their version of "lather" versus what we are used to are two different things! It's a good shampoo. Don't let the lack of "luxurious lather that takes 3 rinses to get rid of" fool you.
Re: AO\'s Selenium Natural Blue Shampoo


Girl, I have no idea what that means because when I tried that shampoo the lather was indeed blue.

The blue chamomile with all that azulene also produces blue lather which turns to white with enough movement.

If your scalp has been annoying you a bit, that stuff works well. I know I used it in early fall as the seasons were changing when my scalp can give me a fit.
