Anyone w/Thin temples not due to too much tension


New Member
I've had thinning at my temples for a few years now. I don't wear my hair in tight ponytails or any other style that puts tension on my hair. So, I am not sure why my temples are thin. I am relaxed. My derm told me to use Rogaine and its worked a little bit. But, my temples are still really thin. Does anyone else have thin edges that are not due to tension? If so, what have you used to make them grow back.
*raising hand* HERE! HERE! For me, it's hereditary- my mother and grandmother both have/had (RIP) shot temples. I watched a video from when I was younger and my edges were JACKED while I had this long bushy ponytail down my back. I use Doo Gro Medicated Mega Thick and Surge to maintain them. These two really do work well and if I baby them they start to grow. But then I fall off and they break off. This is why I've decided to continue stretching and just press my hair. (I like the straight look unless I do twist-outs.) I may actually go natural if this whole pressing thing works out well. I'm hoping the outside ring of my hair will grow in stronger. I also think they break off for two reasons: 1) they suck up moisture and if I actually stretch too long they pop off 2) when I wash and try and lay flat they break off from the tension of the scarf (which is why I decided to press for 1-2 wks. and loosely tie the scarf.) HTH.
Thanks. I'll try the two products you mentioned. I, too, think my thinning temples are due to heredity. The rest of my hair is flourishing but my temples look horrible. And, I also think that I might be making my scarf too tight at night. Last night I made it loose and will try to continue to wear it loose at night.
Me too! I have a widows peak, thanks to my fathers side of the family. I'm a little self-conscience about it, but it has gotten slightly better since I stopped relaxing.
Me! I thought it was because of relaxers and wearing my hair up and back for so many years, but I'm finding that that was only a small part of the problem. My mother has the same problem and I think that it really is a hereditary thing. In order to combat my genes, I NEVER pull my hair tight, and I only pull it back and up every so often. I stretch my relaxer at least 3.5-4 months and don't wrap my hair b/c that can cause my temples to thin even more.
I am afraid to stretch my relaxer too long because I think my temples will get worse. I have just never found something that works for my poor temples.
I have this problem also. I think mine is hereditary. I use Emu oil on my temples, they have been filling in nicely.
Bumping! My poor temples look like Alicia's from that ET thread... and I don't know why! I stopped wearing extensions almost 7 months ago..
My mom could only put my hair into 3 plaits or braids bc I had thin temples; one front and center put pulled to the side and 2 in the back. I got Profectiv's Temple and Anti-Thinning Balm and it worked great for me. I saw results in 3 weeks (applied as directed 2x a day). They filled in nicely to the point that that was the first thing my mommy noticed when she saw me. I now also apply castor oil to them to thicken them up. So far so good.
I have them...always have and always will. The hair in that area is thinner that the rest of my hair. When I was about 7, I got a bad relaxer which gave me bald spots for years. My mother used Sulfur 8 to help it grow back in. In the beginning of my journey, I used Wild Growth Oil. I've also used MN...this actually helps w/ growth in that area:yep:. Another thing you can do is limit the heat and amount of chemicals you use on your temples.
Try Surge 14. It really works, and actually made the hair at my temples too thick.

Definitely going to try this...

I've noticed some little patches of thin areas and I think it's from me pulling my hair out when I was little (had gel in it and I thought it was fun :perplexed) Lately, I've tried Dr. Miracle, Sulfur 8 and castor oil and I see a small improvement. However, I just realized tonight that I my satin cap that I have been sleeping in has elastic around the rim. I believe this has been causing irritation. Sooo... Off to buy a new cap too.
the women in my family suffer from female pattern baldness......People think Im kidding but I have 2 aunts that look like Ben Franklin... and Im well on my way to being the same way...

until January, I kept my hair long enough to cover it and wore styles that didnt highlight it... then I did the BC

If its truly hereditary, I dont think there is a product in the world that will really help... My Derm suggested Rogaine... I saw very minimal results that ( just as the Dr said) stopped when I stopped using it...

I DID see a difference with Surge but in hindsight, that was probably in the areas that I also had traction alopecia issues

Castor oils does help them appear thicker and my edges are growing in length but not appearing any thicker because some of the follicles are dead... so while individual strands may be having progress, not enough to make a difference for the areas where no growth is possible...

here's a recent pic of the front of my hair



hopefully one day I will be proven wrong
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