Anyone Use Kinky-Curly Curling Custard???


Well-Known Member
...if so, I have a question. I tried it for the first time last night and it worked pretty good, but my ends were a little stringy & looked like they'd feel crunchy (even though they didn't.) I'm thinking I used too much product, but, I barely used any when I applied it. I've only used Curly Pudding or gels before...

how much Curling Custard do you need to achieve a nice look? Do you "shingle" it on section-by-section like you do with Curly Pudding? Or is there another application technique that works well? Finger-combing it thru the hair? Or scrunching? My hair is thick (especially at the root) but the ends are thinner.

I don't like the "wet look" for my curls, I just want nice, soft, touchable, controlled curls that MOVE! I need movement, not stiffness. thanks!!
It's supposed to balance out with the moisture in your hair. Make sure your ends are drenched, and rake dime to quarter sized amounts through your hair until it feels lightly coated. Make sure you get the insides too, if you tend to puff up a bit. I miss KC.