Anyone use a chealting shampoo right after their no lye relaxer?


Well-Known Member
And then neutralize because they say that no lye relaxer leaves mineral deposits and thats whats makes hair not able to receive moisture after using a no lye relaxer . The only way to get rid of the mineral deposits and hard water deposits is to chelate or do you chelate later on and if you do how long after relaxing do you do it?
I use "Mizani Phormula-7" Neutralizing and Chelating poo when I relax because it does both. The only thing I don't like about it is that it doesn't have "color-alert". I also chelate with it once a month to remove hard water deposits and product build-up.

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Platinum said:
I use "Mizani Phormula-7" Neutralizing and Chelating poo when I relax because it does both. The only thing I don't like about it is that it doesn't have "color-alert". I also chelate with it once a month to remove hard water deposits and product build-up.

Do you think I can mix mines?
I wouldn't mix them, I would just use the Isoplus. Or, I would neutralize with Isoplus and follow up with Quantum to chelate.
I have Ion Hard Water condish and it removes calcium and mineral deposits while conditioning and it makes my hair really soft:)
lamaria211 said:
I have Ion Hard Water condish and it removes calcium and mineral deposits while conditioning and it makes my hair really soft:)

Don't they have different versions of the ion or it's just some safe for color and one for hard water
Lilmama1011 said:
The same day?

Yes you can do it on the same day. When I was a relaxed head years ago, I would used the neutralizing poo while color alert. Then follow up with the chelating poo (I would do this step only once).

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Yep! I do! I used D&L nuet shampoo with the color alert until it went white, then I used ORS Creamy Aloe. It nuet and chelates. It is a staple for my tu days.
I use "Mizani butter blend balance hair bath neutralizing and chelating shampoo". It has a color indicator as well. I use it no matter what brand of relaxer I use to neutralize (I didn't care for the mizani butter blends relaxer, typically use silk elements no-lye). I use it again my first wash post-relaxer as well, and about every 5-6 weeks thereafter, just for chelating purposes. I have always used no-lye relaxers, and I love the way my hair feels after using this shampoo. It smells absolutely delicious too :lick:

I ordered it off of, it is a big bottle and is about $15, but I have been using it since January and haven't even used a third of it, it lasts forever. HTH!!