Anyone tried mixing pure oils with......r/o


New Member
Has anyone tried mixing oils like castor oil, avocado or even stimulating essential oils like peppermint with store bought hair grease/creams? I know there are women who put grease even vaseline on their scalp and for some it works well, that's not really my thing, but I started wondering what the effects would be of mixing some peppermint oil and castor oil with a nice smelling hair cream and applying that directly to my scalp once or twice a week. I have a few bottles of hair cream that I don't use much because they are too heavy for my hair, so I'm thinking of mixing them with the oils and applying a small amount to my scalp and seeing if theres any difference with my hair growth/quality between now and my next touchup. Any of you inventive ladies tried this?

Edited to add: I'm considering this because in my experience castor oil has helped hair growth so I figure castor oil plus the peppermint oil having the stimulating affect on the hair follicles might produce faster hair growth.
im sure many women do this b/c they do it with conditioners and pre-shampoo treatments...
I mix coconut oil with my daily leave-ins and sometimes with my body creams