Anyone straighten with Lustrasilk?


Active Member
Hello fellow naturals,

Do any of you use Lustrasilk products to straighten your hair? Years ago a friend's mother would press my hair with Lustrasilk products. It stung my scalp like crazy, but got my hair silky smooth.

Someone recently posted that they use Lustrasilk to fight humidity, but I was wondering if any of you use it regularly to get salon straight results. If so, can you please post the exact name of the Lustrasilk products you use and a step by step process of how you go about straightening your hair?

Thanks in advance!

I could really use some help with this. I want to try to see if I can get the same results my former hairdresser did, but I need someone to provide me with detailed product info and instructions on how to use it.

If you use products from the Lustrasilk line and don't want to post your response here, please PM me.

Thanx in advance!
If you are talking about that Lustrasilk Spray that is suppose to get hair relaxer straight, it didn't work for m AT ALL. It made my hair very very dry and I had to wash it and put my twist back in. It was that bad. I think I threw it out (a full bottle), but this was a while back. Most of the products like that have never worked for me, but it could just be my hair.

Thanks for your response. I'm not sure which product my stylist used exactly, but I do know that it was from the Lustrasilk line. They have products for different uses, and I was wondering which one to use on natural hair to get it straight, and how to use it properly. Maybe you used something different.

Thanks for the info though!