Anyone STILL using MegaTek?


Well-Known Member
Just curious, is anyone still using MegaTek?

I still have a bottle left and I'm thinking about mixing some with a little castor oil and applying to my scalp a couple times a week.

Sooooooooooooo, who's still using MegaTek????????????????????
Lots of people are still using it...there is a current MegaTek/Ovation challenge. And, many people mix it with oil. I use a bhringraj oil blend with mine. Castor oil should work too. HHG
i was going to post about the challenge but that was already said. oh and remember not to put an excessive amount. some women said that it made them itch or get slight headaches but that was because they put way too much or it was too harsh for them
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I use it occasionally. Not right now, since I just came back from holiday, but I may go back into it soon. The only thing is, I don't think it really works to be honest :ohwell:. But I have a bottle to finish so it wouldn't hurt to try again I guess.
I used it for three weeks. I mixed it with castor oil but unfortunately, the shedding increased. I switched last week to OCT. I used it straight --- so far so good.
I have a bottle mixed with castor oil but I use it on my eyelashes :grin:

Eyelashes, I've never thought to apply it to eyelashes. How is it working for you, more importantly how do you keep it out of your eyes

I use it occasionally. Not right now, since I just came back from holiday, but I may go back into it soon. The only thing is, I don't think it really works to be honest :ohwell:. But I have a bottle to finish so it wouldn't hurt to try again I guess.

I used to for 2 months before and I don't remember it being spectacular. I have a bottle and figure why not get rid of it.

have you seen much growth from this? What ratio's do you use..

I'm curious too
I have a bottle that I am currently getting "acquainted with" still :yep:
i've been getting mixed reviews on how potent this stuff is....i hope i works! :perplexed:
So far, my normal growth has roughly doubled. Given that each month I got about 1/4" or so without MT...having an extra 1/4" for a total of a 1/2" is GREAT for me. I doubt I will ever get an inch a month like others. However, even the claims from the bottle are a little on the modest side (10 to 30% more) so if you are looking for outstanding extra fast growth from it, it seems to depend on what you can normally expect to get without MT.
I recently started back on it. I mixed it with regular and black castor oil and I'm seeing more thickness than length right now. I plan to order another bottle soon.
I still use it (from time to time) and swear by it.:grin: With Consistent Use.

Recently, I had myself on a Schedule of two weeks on two weeks off, because I was using it straight and it makes my scalp some-what tender, even though I use the tiniest amount.

I still Love it.:love:

:think:Maybe I'll start my MT Regimen back up in the Fall/Winter

I'm just using different stuff right now. (Being the PJ that I am). I am currently using Claudie Scalp Exlir, and I've dabbled with Bee Mine Serum --- but I prolly will always keep MT in my Stash.:yep:
I used it for three weeks. I mixed it with castor oil but unfortunately, the shedding increased. I switched last week to OCT. I used it straight --- so far so good.

when i used it every other day for a month, i was shedding like a cat caught in a garbage disposal. now i use it once or twice a week and it's all good.
I'm remembering how much I shed when I used MT product and I'm rethinking using it again! I do not need increase in shedding right now
I have been using it for a week. I haven't had any shedding, headaches or anything. Not even a tingle. How long does it take for the side effects. I will admit that I put it on when in the evening after I shower from the gym.

I put it on my scalp, massage, moisturize, seal, put on a bonnet and go to bed (I usually wear it for about 10 hours). I cowash in the morning, bun and go to to work and repeat the cycle.

How long does it take to see side effects?

I am going to continue to use it the rest of December and January. I will see if it worked for me before I purchase again in February.