Anyone relaxing 29/30/31 Jul 10...


Well-Known Member
I wondered if anyone else relaxing there hair

  1. How long have you stretched
  2. Salon or DIY
  3. Your expectation
  4. What prep have u done

  5. How long have you stretched - 11 weeks
  6. Salon or DIY - Salon
  7. Your expectation - I am currently middle of neck, hoping for collarbone length
  8. What prep have u done - A hardcore protein treatment last week, moisturing like crazy, and I have brought some AFFIRM Preservo, to put on my hair myself to protect it. My salon does use a protecton but wanna be doing sure, its done properly :grin:
Not sure what else I can do?...............
I will be relaxing my hair on July 31st.

  1. How long have you stretched - 10 weeks
  2. Salon or DIY - DIY
  3. Your expectation - I am currently a couple of inches past APL
  4. What prep have u do -I did my Joico 17 Minute Miracle/Ceramides routine and flat ironed my hair so that I can part my hair easily. The day before my relaxer, I will base my scalp and the day of the relaxer I will mix and apply Joico Chelating shampoo/neutralizing shampoo/vaseline to my previously relaxed hair.
Relaxing 7/30
How long have you stretched - 20 weeks
Salon or DIY - DIY
Your expectation - I am SL hoping to be a little closer to APL
What prep have u done - i did a protein treatment, removed my cornrows to allow breathing for a few days and i need to stop itching my scalp!!!!
Relaxing 7/30
How long have you stretched - 10 weeks
Salon or DIY - DIY
Your expectation - I am hoping to be past my bra strap!
What prep have u done - I chelated(sp) with ORS Cream Aloe Shampoo to remove calcium/minerals build up. Then I did a 2 step Aphogee treatment. Then applied AOHSR all over hair and DC'd for 20min then slept with it in my hair overnight. The next morning I washed out and airdried then flat ironed. Also moisturizing everyday with Bee mine Luscious Moisturizing cream.

I did all that this past Friday.
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