Anyone know how to change EVCO smell?


New Member
Hi ladies,

I hope someone knows how to change the smell of coconut oil.

I personally don't think it stinks, but it's so strong. My sister complains about its odorousness and its smell in general, and I'm sure she wouldn't be only one who's offended by it. :sad:

I'm not able to test ways of changing the scent myself since I'm in braids right now, but if anyone has tried to change it, please share what you did!

I was thinking I could try what someone here mentioned some weeks ago, but she suggested someone add drops of perfume to shea butter. I wonder if this could work for coconut oil. :scratchch

Thanks in advance
Add 1 or 2 drops of an essential oil to a tablespoon of coconut oil. Perhaps peppermint or sweet orange? But only use 1 or 2 drops. EO's are VERY potent.
Me, I like the smell of virgin coconut oil.
There is a version with no smell, but it is not virgin and not so effective as the virgin one.
You can try to mix it with another oil or add some essential oils in it.
How much is being used at a time in order for the scent to be so strong? The smell usually wears off-on my hair, anyway.

I suppose adding a few drops of EO or fragrance oil and mixing could tone down the scent but then again, someone else may find that particular scent offensive as well. Can't please everyone.
you could try fractionated coconut oil, or refined coconut oil...or you could add 1 drop of sweet orange essential oil and 1 drop of lavender for each 10 tablespoons... but essential oils are strong as well,you end up tweaking the smell instead of diminishing it... so maybe the first 2 options are better. Fractionated is liquid and refined is like the virgin one, just odourless.
Perfume often has drying alcohols unfortunately...
How much are you using? I use EVCO on my DD's hair and it never leaves a smell. When I've used it on my hair it doesn't leave a smell either. I don't use alot, though just enough.
What brand are you using?
The smell fades when I use it, in fact I can only smell it when its melted in my hands.

HairVeda has Vatika Frosting it has a sweet smell, which I luv!!
It's out of stock right now but should be back in stock around September.
Okay, thank ladies. I'll get some EOs. I wish the smell did fade away, but instead it smells kinda stale after a few days.
Thanks for posting this, cause I had the same problem and stopped using it cause I didn't like the smell.