Anyone interested in a TWISTING FOR GROWTH Challenge???


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I thought this would be a fun challenge to see how creative we all can be with our twist hairstyles. And at the end of the challenge, we can see how much our hair has grown.

I am thinking that this challenge should be 3 months (Jun 1st - Sept 1st).

I want to keep the rules SIMPLE.

So those who want to participate should:

1. Post STARTING pics of what their hair looks like (length)

2. Maintain twist hairstyle through out this challenge.

3. Can only wear their hair not in twist no more than 5 days at a time. (Ex. Wear twist for a week..Twistouts/Afro/Etc for 3-5days..Then retwist )

4. Can create twist w/ their own hair or extensions.

5. Must check in at least once a week to let the group know how you are doing and to show off your twist hairstyle.

6. Must maintain your own PROPER hair care regime.

I think we should all pay attention to what works best for our hair. So if at any time you feel as though wearing twist is not beneficial, just let the group know.

So if anyone if interested, reply to this post and lets get to TWISTING


1. oooop2
2. Yorloosmybiz
3. Sumismommy
4. MissAlyssa
5. Wonderstar
6. Cutiebe2
7. jtotheb
8. JustKiya
9. Angkin73
10. shatarip
11. miss Congeniality
12. DDtexlaxd
13. Pringe
14. Tickledpinkies
15. Candycane044
16. nubiangoddess3
17. Ms Lala
18. delitefulmane
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My hair is not twistable at the moment, but I would love to follow this thread and see how beneficial twisting is.
Oooh, you're pulling at my heart's strings! I so would love to join but I'm in the C&G Challenge and enjoying being in braids so much.... *sigh*
Oooh, you're pulling at my heart's strings! I so would love to join but I'm in the C&G Challenge and enjoying being in braids so much.... *sigh*


Just playing...I totally understand. That's why I decided to just wear twist for 3m. I got tired of fooling w/ my hair on a daily basis. My hair was like "LEAVE ME ALONE" :lachen::lachen:
I'm in first LHCF challenge:grin:.

Besides that way I can stay committed to my personal no heat challenge, everyday I get the urge to pull out the flat iron from hiding.
I'm in first LHCF challenge:grin:.

Besides that way I can stay committed to my personal no heat challenge, everyday I get the urge to pull out the flat iron from hiding.

Okay..My personal goal is to attain 1/2 of your length by the end of this challenge :grin::lachen:
Im in!
Yesterday I randomly twisted for the first time, I just got tired of wearing a puff (which causes tangles!!)
here are my starting pics:
I might join this challenge. :look: I have to wait until I get back to Florida, then I'm removing my Kinkie's. I haven't decided whether I'm going to get Senegalese or Kinky Twists again.:spinning:
I would love to do this challenge but I cant since I have to straighten every now and then for auditions/castings. I'm going to keep up w/ you ladies though and spy out :)
I'm in! This is my first challenge, but I was planning on doing something like this anyway.

I've been in twists for a week already. I'll be out for 5 or so days while on vacation.
Okay..This challenge official starts on Sunday Jun 1. We currently have 7 challengers. If anyone else would like to join, please let me know :)
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I would love to do this challenge but I cant since I have to straighten every now and then for auditions/castings. I'm going to keep up w/ you ladies though and spy out :)

I totally understand. But we do get breaks between twists to wear our hair in different styles :)
I'm in! This is my first challenge, but I was planning on doing something like this anyway.

I've been in twists for a week already. I'll be out for 5 or so days while on vacation.

Yeah..I will add you to the list. And no worries about being out. Just let us know when you are gone :)

I think I'll join. Twists really are best for my hair, even when I whine about putting them in/taking them out. I might go all out this weekend, and try those mini-twists, too...... check out my length, as it's been a while. Hrrrrm.

I think I'll join. Twists really are best for my hair, even when I whine about putting them in/taking them out. I might go all out this weekend, and try those mini-twists, too...... check out my length, as it's been a while. Hrrrrm.

Yeah...I'll add you to the list. And as much as I am loving my mini-twist at the moment, I am dreading having to take them out...LOL
Yeah...I'll add you to the list. And as much as I am loving my mini-twist at the moment, I am dreading having to take them out...LOL

:lol: And see, with the way my hair has been acting lately (wanting to be all fine and flyaway) I might have to bust out the gel for these.....