Anyone Here Get Growth from Rollersets?


New Member
I have been wearing roller sets for the past couple of weeks, then I got lazy and went back to the baggie and bun method with a phony pony. My hair is chin length, so wearing it out daily would not cause my hair to rub against my clothing.

Is the general consensus here that hiding the ends constitutes a protective style?

Has anyone here grown their hair out wearing roller sets esclusively?
I did rollersets with flexirods for pretty much the first year of healthy hair care. It worked wonders.
I think that roller sets have contributed to the health of my hair. That is for sure!!!
Lauren450 attributes to her long locks to rollersets. Mine is getting there, overall I just think its eliminating direct heat for me. So yes, I must say that my hair has grown with rollersets. That along with some other factors.:)

Alexstin, your progress is awesome!!
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I knew a co-worker who grew her hair long with rollersets. She told me she rolled her hair very tightly on small rollers to "hide" her length (her husband did not approve of long hair on her) so her hair appeared to be a couple of inches below her shoulders with a mass of thick, little, beautiful curls. Her hair appeared to be long to me (mine was above my shoulders). She pulled down one of her curls once to show me and her hair was mid-back!
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Isis said:
I knew a co-worker who grew her hair long with rollersets. She told me she rolled her hair very tightly on small rollers to "hide" her length (her husband did not approve of long hair on her) so her hair appeared to be a couple of inches below her shoulders with a mass of thick, little, beautiful curls. Her hair appeared to be long to me (mine was above my shoulders). She pulled down one of her curls once to show me and her hair was mid-back!


Thanks Shunta and Locabouthair!!
My hair grew from ear length and shaved in the back to shoulder length. I rollerset and used no direct heat.
i rotate rollersets into my routine on the regular and i think they are a great protective style (one that is actually cute :look: which i love!). I loved doing them, and i loved the growth that i got, I just HATED sitting under the dryer :ohwell:
Years ago when I hair "just" grew I was rollersetting once a week faithfully! It grew so fast ppl thought it was a weave.

I'm going back to rollersetting!
I've gotten growth from wearing rollersets also. A few months ago when I was still in school, I was getting my hair done every 3 to 4 days. Normally at 4 weeks post, I would barely new growth, but when I started doing rollersets that often, I'd had 1/2 inch of new growth:grin:

I don't even remember why I stopped:perplexed I've already decided to go back to doing this. I'm just about 13 weeks post. I can't wait to relax and start the rollersets again to track my growth again.:D
I'm currently in the rollersetting challenge. . . I am 3 weeks post, and I have a noticeable (not like eleven inches or anything crazy, but enough where u can SEE my natural texture) new growth. it's def a good look because its way healthier than it was when I was washing 1x a week, blow drying, then using a curling iron, THEN rollin up the dry hair (it NEVER stayed, my curls fell by the time, I got dressed to leave the house:lachen:). . . if nothin else, keeping your hair in rollersets makes your full length less noticeable, so whenever/if you decide to wear a straight style, it's like unwrapping a present to see your new length. :grin:
Yes I think rollersets are great, but I have learned that if I rollerset more than twice a week, I'm asking for breakage. My regimen involves quite a bit of CW and so when I was rollersetting 4-5 times a week it was NOT working and I was making no progress.
I've had to go to even lower manipulation styles.
I'm a regular rollersetter and I think it protects the length really well. One summer when I worked at a children's day camp, I would wash, deep condition and rollerset on pink perm rods every Sunday. Then during the week I would pin the curls up in a curly updo. It was really low manipulation. The length that I retained over the summer was amazing.
Yep. I've been rollersetting and using no direct heat since 7/06. It's contributed to growth and healthy hair.
if nothin else, keeping your hair in rollersets makes your full length less noticeable, so whenever/if you decide to wear a straight style, it's like unwrapping a present to see your new length. :grin:
ITA. I wear rollersets religiously. When I wear my hair straight, the difference in length while straight is like a present and it's so unexpected. I can't say my hair grows more with rollersets, but I retain a lot of length.