Anyone have success with a biweekly wash reggie?


Well-Known Member
Okay so in my quest to keep my reggie low manipulation... I'm wondering if I can wash every other week, instead of weekly... I've had major success washing weekly, and my scalp loves me for it, but I've been shedding majorly (postpartum) and everytime I touch my hair, I feel like I lose a quarter of all my strands combined....

So... do any of you ladies wash your hair twice a month and retain all your length? What are the pros and cons?
I do this all the time because I gets spurts of lazyism hair is long enough to put in buns so for the most part I just re wet daily, moisturize and bun or do some type of updo until I feel like washing. No problems in retaining length at all.
When my hair gets long enough to get a nice size shrunken bun I'll probably do something like this
I do my regime bi-weekly. I have fine low density hair, it's too much manipulation for me to do it weekly. My hair is thriving!
After I flat iron my hair I keep it straight for three weeks and co wash daily for a week and flat iron again. My hair is very thin and fine all that daily cowashing was waay to much manipulation for me. My hair is thickening up alot.
Due to my work schedule and the needs of my family, I follow a bi-weekly co-wash/DC and daily M/S regimen and my hair is THRIVING!

I've found that the key is not over-doing it on the products and a few times a week, I just keep my hair twisted and under a hat so that I don't have to re-twist with more products.
what are you doing to help with your postpartum shedding?

Girl.. I'm believing in God for my hair... lol.... All my edges have receded at least an inch.... Im losing hair by the handful.. Insane..

I'm taking my vitamins, trying to eat right... I'll start black tea rinsing next wash... Low manipulation... Massaging my edges with Emu+coconut oil...
I wash biweekly. Weekly washing was becoming too much of a chore once I passed APL. Between washes, I M&S as needed. My hair seems to like this method much better. The best thing to do is test it out once and see if it works for you.