Anyone ever use neutralizing shampoo to clarify? Other uses for it?


New Member
I have a whole bottle of Motions Neutralizing Poo in my stash and I don't want to throw it out. I need to clarify this weekend. Has anyone ever used neutralizing poo for that purpose? Or would that be a HUGE no-no? :sad:

The only one that I've technically done that with is ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo, but that's because it's kind of multipurpose (chelating/neutralizing). Not sure how that would go, hopefully someone else will respond!
Yes! I do it all the time. There is a thread about using neutralizing shampoo to clarify. Right now I am using Vitale Neutralizing Shampoo and I love it. It actually leaves my hair moisturized after using it. It has good ingredients, smells nice and seems to get everything out of my hair!!!
I did that yesterday.

I wanted to use a clarifier before I put a rinse in my hair since I had been slathering it up with coconut oil for almost 2 weeks. The only thing I had that fit the bill was the clairifier from the BKT treatment kit.

I'm a PJ so the last thing I wanted to do was go out and buy something else.

It seemed to work well. I have no complaints.

Sometimes we can make do with what we have instead of going out to buy yet something else again.
Yep I do this every once in a while and it works a treat. I also do it because my ends are relaxed with No Lye so I use the Mizani Phormula 7 to remove calcium deposits every once in a while.
I use the motions neutralizing shampoo as well, as needed. I rarely use shampoo anymore just co-wash, but when my products don't seem to be working as usual, then I use the shampoo and always deep condition after.
I like the VO5 brand .It literally takes everything out of your hair and than I follow up with the ORS Pak and it put all the moisture back in my hair. I love it . I just started clarifying but i will only clarify once a month and use a regular shampoo twice a month and any other time i want to wet my hair ill just do a cowash with moisturologie number 2.