Anyone else WANT to go back to the salon?

Belle Du Jour

Well-Known Member
I may be at the point of admitting that I might need a good stylist to get over my growth hump. I've learned a wealth of info on this site, but something isn't clicking 100%. The problem is, it's hard to find a really good stylist who cares about hair health and growth. Also, I think I miss the feeling of being "cute" that came from getting my hair done. (I used to be an every 2 weeks regular :nono:) I dunno, I guess I've been missing getting my hair done. And after several attempts to relax and go natural and relax and go natural, I think I'm not the best person to be relaxing my hair. :look:

Anyone else feel this way? Do you miss the salon?
If I didn't watch the healthy textures rollersetting dvd, i would still be spending too much money going to the salon every week. I ALWAYS have to have my hair done, so I feel you; I don't do protective styling because i just don't like looking like I don't do my hair:ohwell: and my hair is still healthy because i take care of it...When I do my own hair, it honestly comes out better than when i go to the salon...I only go to my salon for a touch-up...
I miss it yea, but if my hair is going to be damaged I rather be the cause then for someone else to be doing it for a charge.
I am not saying that stylist damage the hair in general. But most like to cut and flat iron alot. If I found one that was specialized in growing healthy hair then I would try here.
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Honestly, yes I do...going to get that hard blow dry from the Dominicans were beautiful, airy, and lasted forever...but were VERY unhealthy for my hair. My hair shedded so much from the LACK of moisturizing they don't use. So yea I miss it but I'm loving the less hair I see on my bathroom floor even more lol! :yep:
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I miss the feeling of being taken care of but I wouldn't trade being able to care for my own hair or not having to run from the rain.
I miss my stylist the only reason why I stopped going was because of money issues :(...and my cousin does it good so why waste money
I thought I was doing ok. My hair length reached BSL, but it was damaged. I was doing something wrong and I'm not sure what it was. I finally went to my hairdresser after staying away for a year and she had to cut my damaged BSL hair to APL. I think I'll be going back to the hairdresser from now on, until my hair recovers and I reach BSL again.
I miss going out of pure laziness. I just dont feel like doing my hair. And while I dont mind buns I wish I had a full DLewis bun instead of this little turd.
only if it were reniece or someone who is a member of LHCF. wait, make that an ACTIVE member of LHCF. i will not have all this work ruined. in october i was itching for a dominican blowout and it was horrible. my ponytail rollersets come out sooo much better.
Yes and no. I am actually considering going to a stylist to get my hair straightened and trimmed (for an official length check, I no longer have a working flat iron, which I see as a blessing). My friend is going to her first, so I can observe and see how she handles hair. I'm actually REALLY afraid, because I hope she doesnt try and give me a blunt cut and take off ALL my progress, man would I be steaming :wallbash:. I'm probably gonna chicken out :look: and not go until I am like BSL or WL :lachen:
I want someone to wash my hair for me. DH washes hair like a guy - he doesn't get it. But the pure, marvelous, wonderful joy of someone washing my hair I long for - now all of the rest of it - waiting for hours on end, rough handling, waiting for forever, scissor happy, still waiting, bad relaxers, and did i mention waiting forever and ever - these i do not miss. I just think DH needs to pay attention during hair washing lessons.
I stayed away from salons for awhile and luckily found a good stylist that actually knows about hair care and hair growth thanks to the recommendation in the LCHF salons section. I am not really good at doing my own hair, so now I know for sure my hair will get longer in no time.
I just cant do my own hair, it always looked like crap, my ends were always damaged so I started going back to my girl and now I am pregnant I go once a week. My hair is really thick and I just cant deal with spending three hours on it when she takes 45 minutes.
I won't lie, for the past month I've been getting weekly wash and sets... I really have no desire to do my hair myself right now. I think it's b/c after the freshness of my perm wears off I get my roots blown. The other day I washed it myself and let it air dry, and I was overwhelmed with my roots :drunk: , I took my behind into the hairdresser 2 days later to get it wash and blown out. When I go to the hairdresser I'm usually in and out all for under $22/ tip included :yep:
Sometimes, especially when I'm in my lazy mode. I've had the same stylist for probably 10 years now and she definitely focuses on hair health more than style which I appreciate. She's not scissor happy so if you don't need a trim, she won't trim. Even when she does, she'll ask how much you want taken off. She was the one to introduce me to texlaxing (we didn't know what it was called at the time, she just knew my hair needed more of its natural texture left in tact) and my current hair color. When I started going to Dominican salons, she tagged along and brought her oldest daughter so she could see how they do it and started using some of the products. She's always open to new ideas and products. I stopped going to her for more than trims a while back because I guess her money got tight and she was using products from Sally. I'm not knocking Sally but I was just like how u gon' charge the same prices when your products are much cheaper and I can get them myself? After that I was good. Best stylist I ever had and guess what? She's white.
I do miss it. I haven't been in a little over a year but I am about to make an appointment for next week. I need a professional trim - my dusting just isn't cutting it.
Not really the only reason I miss it was because of the "gossip" but now I don't really care, because nothing is like the personal gratification I get from doing my own hair!
I go to a stylist for every other relaxer. She is pretty trustworthy but last time I didn't really like how she detangled me with a small toothed comb. I like using a big toothed comb and going from the roots first. She also "loves" to trim about an inch off. :wallbash:

I dunno, I'm gonna just opt to keep my progress the way it is and just do my own hair. I'm getting pretty good and it helps my anxiety knowing I'm in control here.

Just ask yourself, what is the price of being cute? Is it worth it?
If I could afford it I'd go every week....Sometimes I am just over all of it.

As my hair is gaining length it is getting more difficult to manage and I am going through sooooo much product now it is ridiculous...
I ran back to the salon. I was doing my own hair and my hair was a little past bra strap. I relaxed, rollerset, trimmed EVERYTHING! People loved my long hair but it was long, fine and DAMAGED! I found me a stylist who is into healthy hair and I love him! I mentioned him in the salon section Rahni and I love the whole salon expereince. I have gotten lazy and I only wash my hair when I do condition washes.

I just love the whole salon visits because I feel as if I'm treating myself. I'm a mother of two and you ladies know the funds are allocated first to your family. When I go to the salon it is my getaway treat, for hair and nails! :-)
Sometimes, especially when I'm in my lazy mode. I've had the same stylist for probably 10 years now and she definitely focuses on hair health more than style which I appreciate. She's not scissor happy so if you don't need a trim, she won't trim. Even when she does, she'll ask how much you want taken off. She was the one to introduce me to texlaxing (we didn't know what it was called at the time, she just knew my hair needed more of its natural texture left in tact) and my current hair color. When I started going to Dominican salons, she tagged along and brought her oldest daughter so she could see how they do it and started using some of the products. She's always open to new ideas and products. I stopped going to her for more than trims a while back because I guess her money got tight and she was using products from Sally. I'm not knocking Sally but I was just like how u gon' charge the same prices when your products are much cheaper and I can get them myself? After that I was good. Best stylist I ever had and guess what? She's white.

I stopped going to a stylist I had because of that reason. She didn't invest in her customers. I don't want to go and pay you an arm and a leg for products I get at the BSS! All her products were straight out the BSS and she bought the cheapest ones. You could forget about her having lye formula anything! She would get the QP no-lye that contains 4 jars in the box and call it a day and charge you $65!
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I only go to the salon for rollersets, which I am about to start doing myself again, if the ponytail method works ok.

I have had SO many setbacks from stylists, I aint NEVER letting one of them relax my hair again. I do that myself now, I do the half and half method so it comes out good, no overprocessing or bald spots like I got from past stylists. I just couldnt keep paying people to damage my hair.

It does feel good to let someone do your hair for a change but I will only let the dominicans rollerset my hair because they seem to be gentle but that is all they will be doing.

So yeah, I kinda feel you.

My hair never comes out good when I try to use heat, so I guess I would go to the salon for a blow out, but thats rare because I'm on a low heat reggie anyway.
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I stopped going to a stylist I had because of that reason. She didn't invest in her customers. I don't want to go and pay you an arm and a leg for products I get at the BSS! All her products were straight out the BSS and she bought the cheapest ones. You could forget about her having lye formula anything! She would get the Precise no-lye that contains 4 jars in the box and call it a day and charge you $65!
Exactly!! Not cool at all.
I only go to the salon for relaxers. I can do a wash and set and then flat iron the roots for the salon look. Most times when I wear my hair straight, folks say "Oh, I see you just got your hair done. Nice!" I think my sets became more professional looking once I started using the products that were right for my hair and when my techniques improved.
I only go for my touchups and for special occasions. I just dont like sitting in the shop, I'd rather sit around in my PJ's and do my hair on my own time. She has been doing my hair since I was about 5 so I trust her, but after being on LHCF for a lil while, she doesn't do my hair like me lol
I am going to attempt to do my own relaxer this week (I can do everyone else's relaxers but scared to do my own, crazy right) ...

I will continue to go to the salon for trims. Maybe if I get to BTL - Boo-Tay Length :) hair I might trim it myself (unlikely since my goal is ASL) ....

I concur with my other sisters that I cannot stand going to a salon and they use products I can buy myself a basic beauty supply like Sally's - regular BSS (not like Ulta, Trade Secret etc) If I am paying top dollar for my service I want top dollar products!!!
I trust my stylist with my life, and quit going for about two years when I went natural. I admit, I missed her. I've been going to the same stylist for nearly nine years. Now I'm 1,000 miles away, but I'm just as excited to see her as I am my mother! :grin:

She has taught me a tremendous amount about keeping my hair healthy, and I know she was proud after my natural journey to see my hair relaxed and to see all the length I had gained after BCing.

I wish I were closer to go more, but in between, I do a lot of things she's taught me to retain length.

I'm blessed. I know it. :spinning:
I went back to the salon for my relaxers (every 8-10 weeks though I am going for a 17 week stretch this time) and trims (about every 6 months and she doesn't cut to much because she likes to show off her clients with longer hair).

I mainly went back to the salon because the no-lye relaxers were drying out my hair and I was already jacking my hair up putting in no-lye relaxers I wasn't touching my own hair with a lye-based relaxer.
The problem is, it's hard to find a really good stylist who cares about hair health and growth. Also, I think I miss the feeling of being "cute" that came from getting my hair done.
Anyone else feel this way? Do you miss the salon?

I was never salon reliant (relaxed or not) and didn't go that often but I miss the cuteness factor and the idea of someone else doing my hair. Now if I could find a stylist that cared about my hair health & growth AND me looking cute? I would be in heaven:lick::rolleyes:

I am having fatigue issues (chronic fatigue) it takes everything in me to do anything. And I wish I could look cute again instead of just ok. I used to do my own twists, stylin', and tried different things with my hair... now with the kids, working, fatigue :wallbash: I want to take a few dollars (not my WHOLE paycheck) and get my hair did once a month or every other month. Oh well a girl can dream....

But I haven't found anyone to take the care and doesn't just see me as a number...

So yeah I want to go back to the salon I just don't want to be a SLAVE to the salon.
