About four years ago my hair started falling out in the back of my head. It would grow in but the areas would spread larger each cycle. Usually never got all the way bald, but my scalp would flare up and get hot and itchy. I went to a black derm two weeks ago and I disagree with his diagnosis (sebhorreic dermatitis) because I display none of the characteristics. Just now I looked in the mirror and a spot that had broken down to 1/8 inch is pretty much bald now. I have started using BT in the last few weeks which has helped with regrowth but I really would like to see an end to this pattern. The rest of my hair is thick and healthy but anything below my ears is getting thin and is mostly gone. I can do about 4-5 twists back there and the rest is short and growing back. I am natural and have been able to hide problem with headbands etc but I'd really like a cure. I think its a fungal infection, maybe from a hairbraider years ago. These spots started out really small. Any one else have similar problems?