anyone else going through braid withdrawal?


Hair product junkie reloaded!
I can't eat! I can't sleep! Everywhere I look...everywhere I turn I see them....long and shiny...never fuzzy. On every head that passes me by. So close...and yet so far away! I cannot satisfy my craving, for alas! I haven't the funds now and haven't had them for quite some time. My poor hair torments me int he night...saying, "braid me! braid me!" and yet I can't grant that oh so simple request! Whatever is a poor girl (literally) to do? I am going nuts here....I haven't worn braids at all in 2006!!!!! I need them! Must get braids now! My hairstylist hasn't returned my phone calls....I was ready...sooooo ready.....and yet no call back. No answer when I call or email and its been a couple of weeks now. My hair can't take it anymore! I'm going mad you hear me?? MAAAAAD!!!!

:whyme: :bouncegre :bouncegre :bouncy:

And so ends my rant. Anyone else going through braid withdrawal? How do you treat this dreadful disease?
LOL!!!!!!!!!! :lol:'re killin me!!!:lachen: :lachen:
I know what you mean tho. I've been out of braids for almost a week now (doing crown n glory) but I don't think I'll be able to rest for 2's lookin more like 3-4 weeks.........not sure if i can even wait that long.
TRUST.........singing "You are NOT alone, I am here with you....":grin:
Hang in there...We must be strong for each other.
Oh no, ha ha!!
That sounds like me when I first take out my braids; like a near panic that my hair is out and vulnerable!!
You may have to take charge and learn how to do your own braids, although I did my own braids and when I took them out, I still freaked out after a couple weeks!!
Too funny. :lol: I just took mine out on 3/15 and they are going back in this weekend. 2 months?! Please. I couldn't even make it two whole weeks! :ohwell: But I have loose hair withdrawals too. I haven't been able to keep my braids in for an entire 2 months yet. I'm going to have them professionally braided this weekend. Hopefully, after I pay for it I'll be more willing to keep them the entire time.
I had my hair out all last week. It was torture for me. I loved the length and the flowiness of my press, but I was so afraid it was going to break off in those 5 days..:lol: , I got it done this past Sunday... whew... I fell muuuuuch better.
i want to get my hair braided again so badly but my problem is that i cant psychologically deal with seeing all that hair come out at once when its time to take it down :lol: :lol: and the constant worrying about my hairline gets to me
My braids have been out for 2-3 weeks now. I have been wearing them off and on for the past 4 I'm trying to get used to not wearing them now...but I hate that I have no way to style my own hair whatsoever :mad:.
I'M GOING CRAZY YOU HEAR???? CCCCCCCCCRAAAAAZY!!!!!! MAYBE I'LL PUT IT ON MY VISA...YEAH YEAH VISA...YEAH VISA GOT THIS! Yall, I look horrible! I must do something to my hair but I know that I am suffering monitarily. I may have to take out an additional education loan...NO not just for hair I got several other expenses I need to take care of and I just can't take care of it now because I am broke. And I'm just saying...whatever is leftover I can kinda...........
I love braids, but they don't love my hairline. Still, I may take a chance and get braids in a few weeks. They didn't hurt me tood bad when I got them last December. . . :sekret:
I was for a while. They are SO easy to miss. I love how easy they are to take care of and I can work out whenever I want with them in.

But, I have been enjoying wearing my hair out - for now, at least.
HoneyDew said:
I was for a while. They are SO easy to miss. I love how easy they are to take care of and I can work out whenever I want with them in.

But, I have been enjoying wearing my hair out - for now, at least.

Girl... I haven't, lol! Glad I got these suckers back in, though she may have to redo them. But to not have to roll my hair! (I TRY not to hot curl, so I roll once/week when I wash, and wrap... but I think the wrap is the culprit of my back breaking... so growing the back and 4 days in Jamaica is my excuse and I'm sticking 2 it!!!
I'm thinking about putting some twist extensions in my hair again...I'm hating my hair right now...{I just don't want to deal with trying to figure out what style to put it in because it's all very limited}...luckily I don't have to leave the house much these days.:look:
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I'm having withdrawal too. I always kept braids....but it's time to learn to love my own hair. I loved braids for the length... but if i take care of my own hair long enough I'll have my own length. Please Please stop with the madness.... it's sooo sooo sooo tempting!!!!!!!!