Anyone Care to Join My 'No Challenges' Challenge?


Well-Known Member
Anyone besides me totally not a challenge person??? I've tried to do them in the past, but I never stick to them! I decided that in 2006 I'm going to be challenge free. I'm gonna go with the flow, if I feel I need to wear a bun for a few months, I will. If I feel I need to do only co washes for a month, I will. Anyone care to join my 'No Challenges' Challenge? :p
Cincysweetie said:
Anyone besides me totally not a challenge person??? I've tried to do them in the past, but I never stick to them! I decided that in 2006 I'm going to be challenge free. I'm gonna go with the flow, if I feel I need to wear a bun for a few months, I will. If I feel I need to do only co washes for a month, I will. Anyone care to join my 'No Challenges' Challenge? :p

Cincy I am right there with you. I am definately a no challenge--go with the flow girl this year.
I've never done challenges either. I like to go at my own pace and see how everything plays out. It's more fun that way and less disappointing to me. :ohwell: But I think challenges are great in general and the support from them is amazing. :yep:
Cincysweetie said:
Anyone besides me totally not a challenge person??? I've tried to do them in the past, but I never stick to them! I decided that in 2006 I'm going to be challenge free. I'm gonna go with the flow, if I feel I need to wear a bun for a few months, I will. If I feel I need to do only co washes for a month, I will. Anyone care to join my 'No Challenges' Challenge? :p

I'm all for that girlfriend!!! Count me in. Sometimes I feel like a nut and sometimes I don't. ;)