Any reason why vitamins might not be working for me?


New Member
Hello ladies,

I have tried a slew of vitamins over the past couple years (5000 mg Biotin, Nioxin, b12, silica, msm powder, green stuff that was all the rage (cant remember name right now), dimethacone, etc) and they never seem to work. Even when I am consistent for like 2 months.

I eat pretty bad (Im still slim, genetics lol) so I was thinking I have a clogged system or there is something in me that is not absorbing the vitamins.

I want to try again, but I want to do SOMETHING before I start them to help with absorption.

Does anyone have any ideas? Anyone been through this before? Any luck fixing the issue?

Thanks ladies! I really want to pick up my hair growth rate because it sucks, badly.
Generally speaking Vitamin C helps most vits absorb better, alternatively you should take a women's multi in addition to whatever hair or skin supplements. A lot of supplements work better in harmony with others.
I would start with a good multi vitamin, and then add a hair vitamin. 2 months isn't long enough to see results. I'd say at least 4 -6 months. HTH
One potential reason is not giving them enough time. Two months really isn't long enough to evaluate whether it works or not. For example, for those with chronic low vitamin D levels, following a supplement program requires at least 6 months of usage in order to see a consistent rise in vitamin D levels.

Hair growth is not a race, its an endurance sport. If you are planning on spending money on supplements, be sure to be consistent with them for longer than two months.

Additionally, if your current diet practices are low, try stepping up by cleaning up your diet. Adding more fresh fruits and vegetables (in particular green leafy ones) will always help your diet as well as drinking enough (think quantity here) clean pure water. Your body will thank you on all accounts.

Some of us have experimented with green smoothies as a way of improving our diets and overall health. That in turn helps our hair growth. There are several threads with recipes in the Natural Health and Health/Fitness forums right here. Check those out.

Also, make sure you have realistic goals. Very few of us can go from 1/4 a month to 3 inches a month - even with top-notch practices. However, going from 1/2 a month to say 3/4 to 1 inch is more achievable with modest practices, PS and low manipulation.

Hope this helps.
It depends on your age, what type of vitamin it is, and how your body processes things.

I'm 27 and when I started taking Biotin my eyelashes started to grow within the first two weeks. And when I was taking cinnamon to regulate my cycle it worked within a week. But, when i started taking Nixion I didn't notice results until month two. And when I started taking chlorella I didn't notices results until the third month with clearer skin.

So, some people notice results within a week some it takes six months.
Thanks everyone for the great responses!

hair4romheaven do you have any detoxes your recommend?

Also mzteaze I am a college student on a tight budget so it's hard to eat healthy. It's something I really want to do though. I'll look into how I can make this happen on a tight budget.

If I could get 3/4 a month I would seriously praise the Lord. An inch would be a supreme dream.

So I should take a multi, and vit c, THEN the hair vitamins?

You guys are right about time. If I dont see anything after 2 months I get sad.
Sometimes different vitamins have different affects and take various amounts of time to take affect. I find that vitamins make more of an impact for me when I am incorporating them as part of a holistic process. I try to eat healthy foods, juice fresh veggies and use the vitamins as a support to what I'm already doing.

Also, you may want to look at liquid vitamins as they go directly into the blood stream and are readily absorbed by the body.
You can still do decently as a college student. Check out local green markets (great source of deals), look for sales, etc. Certain supermarket chains offer markdowns on fresh bags of kale, collards, etc. I was able to snag 4 lbs of both greens for less than $4. Most college food plans include salad bars and other sources of fresh(er) food choices than a chain burger. If you can cook in your room or dorm - go for it.
mzteaze You are right, I need to be more purposeful about my cooking and eating. I do have a kitchen and buy all my own groceries.

hair4romheaven I dont feel like everyone who takes vitamins eats super healthy. That's why I feel my issue is deeper than just what I eat. I still need to improve the type of food I put in my body.

I'll look up the essence of vitality.
Do you drink alcohol?

Do you eat a lot of fiber?

Plaque in the intestines prevents absorption.

5000 mcg biotin is not a lot. Without the filler, you could accidentally snort it up your nose without knowing. Take 5 or 6 daily.

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