Any naturals feel like their hair is "too big" to wear out?


New Member
Any naturals avoid wearing their hair in a twistout/braidout/wash-n-go because your hair is TOO big when worn out?

Like, SO big that you feel like it's just "too much", or makes your head look bigger, etc....?
No, no and no. I think its beautiful. My hair is average right now. I cant wait till it is large and larger!!!
Your hair is lovely - why do you ask?
No, no and no. I think its beautiful. My hair is average right now. I cant wait till it is large and larger!!!
Your hair is lovely - why do you ask?

Thank you for the complement :drunk:

I don't usually do wash-n-go's, but I washed my hair yesterday and put it in like 8 big twists. I shortly took it all down with the intention of bunning it, but was having a get together at my place and got really busy and just ended up untwisting it really fast and leaving it all lose/out.

As it dried, of course, it shrunk up some, but MAN it got so WIDE!!! I mean, it was big to the point of me feeling like....well, like it was unflattering on me. Not to say that big hair is unflattering in general cuz I actually LOVE big styles. :yep: It's hard to explain :ohwell:...maybe cuz I'm so short it just kinda felt like hair that HUGE was overwhelming on my frame or somethin :nono:....
I think I know what you mean. My siggy pic shows what I do so it doesnt look domestic - lol. It keeps my hair off my neck cos its still brushing my shoulders OR I use a band or flowers to pin the sides, one side or the front back.
Try that next time, you might like it or rather the way it looks on you...
YES YES AND YES!!! My hair is barely apl and my hair is huge. Braidouts and wash n gos are HUGE!! Its make me a little self conscience.
I have to say I love my big hair... disclaimer... I do tame it with some gel so I guess it's not at its fullest potential. Big hair makes me feel in vogue and sexy. I've been day dreaming lately about wearing a BAA, but in reality I'm too afraid of the manipulation right now. So I'm sticking with my bun.:rolleyes:
i have worn my braidsouts in public about 2 times..and the only comments i got was "girl when are you gonna do your hair?" maybe if i learn how to tame it more.. so id say braid outs gets frizzy once i step out the door and i only rock my afro's inside the house..oh but a rock a huge one any day.. anywhere
When my hair was longer I loved wearing my big hair out in public. I would even sit in the bathroom with the shower turned on just so it could get bigger lol. I loved my massive ponypuff too.
My hair gets wide too but I get the most compliments when I wear it big. I usually wear it big for special occasions because it gets too tangled doing wash n gos all the time. I wear a ponytail or bun everyday. Except sometimes puffs on weekends. I haven't done braid-outs since I was transitioning because it looks crazy unless my hair is straightened first.
Gosh, I wish I had your problem. I'd embrace it in public and get us both locked up for inappropriate behavior in a public place!

If it is MY hair, I'd not be bothered at all. But if it isn't mine and is way bigger than mine would be, then yes. I'd be very uncomfortable.

Case in point: my first phony puff was a little more 3C/4A and didn't match my hair unpressed. So I waited till I pressed my hair to wear it. Only I didn't know until it was too late to start thinking up new hairdos, that the puff I saw in a bag expanded to humongous monster once you opened it up and put it on. I was so uneasy when I saw it, not coz I hate big hair, but if I'm gonna fake it, then I do like to be a bit "realistic". (I know you're all thinking, "Pshaw, your 14 inch braids really do look like your hair :rolleyes:", but that doesn't count coz everyone knows I have extensions. When I wear a puff, I'm not trying to let everyone know it's not real.) Anyway, I thought I'd get used to it but all day at work, I thought I was being followed by a gorilla. It was the most stressful hair-day ever. :nono:


But trust me, when my hair gets that long, I'ma be sporting this do every now and then and no one will be able to tell me nuffin.

I looovee the drama of my huge fro. I walk down these New York streets and OWN does get kinda awkward when people ask me of my fro is all mine tho:ohwell: but I just love it, it makes me feel really fly and daring and I love to compliment it with a chic ensemble:cool2:

Also, huge fro's make my head and my body look smaller, all I get when I wear my fros is omg look how slim and trim you are etc. I do different things to make it bigger, here in NY the kinkier my hair looks the more compliments I get lol

All in all, my fro is my friend. I dont wear her all the time, but when I do unleash her, she shows OUT:cool:
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Yes, I do and thats why I wear twistout updos. Plus I feel like my hair needs to be shaped a certain way in order to wear it out and I don't want to cut it in a certain way because I like to wear it straight down occasionally.

I mostly ponytail or bun, although people BEG me to wear it out. I did it twice and was self conscious the entire day.:nono:
Wish I had your problem too! At one point I did, but since the infamous salon incident I don't have a BAA anymore, but I'm working on getting it back. When I do, boy oh boy!!
The bigger it is the more I love it!!!
When i do wash n gos I'll turn my head upside down once it dries and try to volumize it as much as possible. It turns into a nice big pufferball and i adore it.
Really? That's interesting...I wonder what it is about big hair that has the slimming effect.

Hair frames the face. In many ways, if your face looks slimmer the rest of you looks slimmer by default. After all, your face leaves the 1st impression and that sticks w/ people. :yep: It's kind of an optical illusion! :rofl3:
I understand what you mean about feeling self conscious.

My hair is genuinely entering HUGE territory. It's not going to stop me from wearing it out, but where as at one point in my life I had to make peace with some people staring at my chest while talking or walking by me now they're staring at my hair. :perplexed:lachen:

It's hard in some ways to know you stick out THAT much - esp when it's just an every day sort of thing, but I'm excited for it to continue to get bigger and bigger :lick:

Someone at work yesterday was joking about my hair entering the room before I do, or getting stuck in the door. :lachen: I told him that so far it's only really affected my driving. (no peripheral vision) :look:
Nah, I love big hair. When it's big I fluff it up to make it bigger, lol.

Now if I were to brush through my wng....that might be too big, lol.
The bigger it is the more I love it!!!
When i do wash n gos I'll turn my head upside down once it dries and try to volumize it as much as possible. It turns into a nice big pufferball and i adore it.
Oh yes thats totally me:yep:, I'll set it in jumbo flat twists to stretch it and make it as huge as possible then when I'm done taking them out I shake my head and fluff and seperate to make it even bigger:love2:

The only downside is now that I have a BAA I cant really maintain it for very long because sleeping on it is a huge hassle. I do have to detangle on wash day but its not unbearable.

Really? That's interesting...I wonder what it is about big hair that has the slimming effect.
I think the fact that my fro is so huge that its from shoulder to shoulder makes it the focal point, and everything else looks smaller in comparison.
I wish I had this problem. I think since my hair is so fine, it doesn't (or may never) get as big as I'd like.
I do! My hair is wild and HUGE when I wear it curly. I have done a lot of braidouts, but I just CANNOT do a wash & go. After a certain length I thought the weight would help it to fall more, but it hasn't. It still shrinks like crazy, and it's just too much. I don't even wear braidouts in public to anything important anymore... Just on weekends.

I basically wear it straight or in a curly bun most of the time.
I wish I could get it bigger. I am just out of a TWA and I keep having to manipulate it because it falls. I did my first successful twistout and a guy told me he like it. He called it fluffy. That made my day. I want a big afro one day.
I think my hair is too big to wear out only in a formal environment. And honestly, I don't think so, but I know that other people do.

What I am finding, however, is that sometimes my hair is too big to put up. When I blow dry, for example, it is so mega puffy, it's really hard to wrangle it into a bun.