Any free natural haircare sites??


Well-Known Member
I am transitioning and I wanna gather as much info as possible and i don't want to read through the thousands of threads in the transitioners support thread. I thought nappturality was free but silly me it's 20 for a year. can't afford that. I just want some good info to help me with this process. I'd also like to see pics and hair albums. I don't know my texture but I think it's in the 4's.
Yup nappturality is free, you just need to register. Justkiya has a blog and there are lots of great links to other natural people's blogs on there.
I like
Black Hair Media
Nappturality still has good info even if you're not registered. You can still view the Discussion and Transition area.

I also have a blog, link below.

I thought there was a transitioner's support thread in this forum as well. It might have some good tips.
Motown girl. NP is free. You can donate if you want. Plus they have a hair styles how to section with photos and a separate area (I believe with hair album links). They also have a transitioners support forum - not just thread. Just register.
:yep: & yeahthat, to all of the above. My blog has no information on transitioning, though - I did that before I even knew what it was. :lol:
There's also, and - though I don't know how much transitioning info you would find on NC.
NP is most likely your best bet, honestly.....
:yep: & yeahthat, to all of the above. My blog has no information on transitioning, though - I did that before I even knew what it was. :lol:
There's also, and - though I don't know how much transitioning info you would find on NC.
NP is most likely your best bet, honestly.....

This one would know. Everytime I go to any hair website, JustKiya is there!:perplexed
thanks for all the responses. the search engine was down so I wasn't able to come back on here but I have lots of sites to check out today while I sit here bored at work. Thanks alot. I forgot all about BHM though...silly me.
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