Any Divorce Attorneys Here?


Well-Known Member
*Mods please dont move this thread to the divorce forum*

Just hung up w a girlfriend who served her husb last year. He wont sign the papers. She said he wants alimony. He wants the child they have together. He wants child support. She was the sole provider for the bulk of their marriage.

My question is, how can she get rid of him? He is taking her to court for foolishness and its costing her loads of money to defend herself. For instance, he moved out but cant/wont support himself so he took her to court for money to buy toiletries, among other things. He takes her to court for other crap and she just wants out. Shes to the point where shes ready to concede just to be left alone and it doesnt seem right

How does this work? Doesnt the negotiating begin after they see a judge or after their lawyers meet? How can he keep demanding that she pay for his life, and the courts allow these baseless claims? Nothing is wrong w him. He hadnt worked for a while so he had to start at mcdonalds but hey, its the same green money as what he wants from her. I think he just doesnt want to work.

They live in GA
How can he keep demanding she keep paying for his life? Well, she's been paying for his life, so his claims are not baseless. There's always a consequence for being stupid as hayle. :look:
I understand she set a horrible precedent, and if he needs time to get himself together... Ok, but taking her to court for toiletries and such?? o_O Come on son

I dont thinks she is against helping him out. Its the court dates for BS. I would have to get more details but i dont think hes even sittg down w her or lawyers to iron things out. Just straight to court. Thats my question. How to stop the running back n forth to court for dumb ish.
Lordt! Where's that thread where low earning men cost women 25% of their income? this case looks like 50%. Minimum.

She needs a divorce lawyer stat! and when she retains one she can differ all his demands to the attorney.

She won't be able to get around forking over alimony.

The problem will be the custody. I bet he will go for 50/50 to get child support on top of alimony.

Wow. This is a LHCF-dont-marry-kangs-n-fbois nightmare on crack.

She has a lawyer
Yall r makin me wonder if she is tellg me the whole story.:scratchchin:

She had to get a restraing order against him so i figured since he cant go to her, that they had somethg workd out w the mediators

Either that or her lawyer aint worth 2 cents. He/she shld be shieldg her from the shenanigans. Why let her keep going to court thinkg she can win this?
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Either that or her lawyer and worth 2 cents.

She should tell her lawyer what she wants.

Also, is the attorney good/has a good reputation?

She has to acknowledge the part she played, take responsibility then do what she has to do to "fix it" imo. It's going to make the blow a little easier.

He is probably going to get alimony and since he has basically been a house husband for a while, he's probably going to get full custody and she'll have to make cs payments. That's why I said to get a good attorney to pay him off and make him disappear. Ask around. Someone has to know someone who had a good divorce attorney. Heck I'm not planning on a divorce but I have a nice ruthless woman in my back pocket just in case it happens.
Not sure on the details of the case, but I know of a good lawyer in Gwinnett county if they are in that area. Something I learned during my parents divorce: make sure your lawyer practices/resides in the same county/area as the judge because if the judge is up for reelection, a shady lawyer might use that to lean on the judge for a ruling in their favor. Happened to my mom. :yep:
And? I dont see anything wrong with that. I think its disgusting that this woman has to birth a child and provide for this turd. A man should provide. My annoyance is not directed at you lol. I dont like this trend.
I'm just here to eat popcorn and sip tea because majority of the time if the genders were reversed people would suggest that the woman get all the man's coins.
Nice to see you posting.
Not sure on the details of the case, but I know of a good lawyer in Gwinnett county if they are in that area. Something I learned during my parents divorce: make sure your lawyer practices/resides in the same county/area as the judge because if the judge is up for reelection, a shady lawyer might use that to lean on the judge for a ruling in their favor. Happened to my mom. :yep:
Not sure on the details of the case, but I know of a good lawyer in Gwinnett county if they are in that area. Something I learned during my parents divorce: make sure your lawyer practices/resides in the same county/area as the judge because if the judge is up for reelection, a shady lawyer might use that to lean on the judge for a ruling in their favor. Happened to my mom. :yep:

Good to know. I never thought about that and even though I am not married or even close to it, learning new tips doesn't hurt. Thanks again.
Just sitting back eating banana nut bread while reading.
Whatever happen to that tick?
Two years later.........just wondering.
I hope she got rid of both her old lawyer and husband.
*Mods please dont move this thread to the divorce forum*

Just hung up w a girlfriend who served her husb last year. He wont sign the papers. She said he wants alimony. He wants the child they have together. He wants child support. She was the sole provider for the bulk of their marriage.

My question is, how can she get rid of him? He is taking her to court for foolishness and its costing her loads of money to defend herself. For instance, he moved out but cant/wont support himself so he took her to court for money to buy toiletries, among other things. He takes her to court for other crap and she just wants out. Shes to the point where shes ready to concede just to be left alone and it doesnt seem right

How does this work? Doesnt the negotiating begin after they see a judge or after their lawyers meet? How can he keep demanding that she pay for his life, and the courts allow these baseless claims? Nothing is wrong w him. He hadnt worked for a while so he had to start at mcdonalds but hey, its the same green money as what he wants from her. I think he just doesnt want to work.

They live in GA[/QUOTEcase?