Any current wives ever renew their vows?


New Member
I've been thinking about doing this lately with a small ceremony, maybe on a beach? If anyone has done this, what did you do?
No! But I would love to do this for my 10 yr ( in 5 more yrs). Maybe just us on the beach in Tahiti.

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I've only been married for three years, but I want to do a renewal at five years. My wheels are already turning. I want it to be our very, very close family and friends.
next year will be 15yrs for us. We had a very, very large wedding, so I think we will do something small--maybe make it a vacation for friends and immediate family?
My 25th wedding anniversary will be the summer of 2012 and I want to do something really special but can't decide exactly what. I thought about a dressy dinner/dance/celebration with a slide show and maybe a barbeque/picnic the following day. I've thought about just he and I going on a romantic getaway. Or maybe going to Hawaii and inviting only close friends and relatives. My husband has also brought up the renewing of vows. I would love to renew vows at sunset on a beach in Maui. I am enjoying thinking about it, and can't wait to start planning.
Next year will be our tenth anniversary and I know I want to have a vow renewal ceremony. We had a small destination wedding the first time and would like to have something bigger this time around.
I've never been to a vow renewal, so I don't know what the etiquette is, etc.
Would like to know if anyone has recently had a renewal ceremony. I've never been to one myself but am getting ideas for myself :grin:
My friend did a small one on the beach for her 5-year.

I wanted to do one this year (we celebrated 5 years in March) but this year has been difficult starting out (had a miscarriage in January), but is shaping up better (just bought our 1st home this past Monday)!

Maybe we will renew at year 10....
Another couple I went to school with did a 10-year on the beach last summer. They were HS sweethearts....
Sunday was my cousins 10yr anniversary and they decided to do a public ceremony since they had did the courthouse was a small outside wedding About 50ppl (including the bridal party -1moh & 3 bridesmaids) They have 2 daughters and they were also in the bridal party as flower girl and jr bridesmaid For the ceremony they all did the sand and that was cute I'm happy for them