Any 4Bs use Phyto Index I?


New Member
I'm thinking of using phyto index I to relax my natural 4B hair. My hair is softish with fine strands, but VERY dense and thick.

I don't exactly want to textlax, but I would like to retain lots of body and thickness, yet have the hair look smooth when I rollerset it.

What do you think?
Have you used it? If so, How did you use it, and What were your results?

Any other recommendations?
ebonylocs said:
I'm thinking of using phyto index I to relax my natural 4B hair. My hair is softish with fine strands, but VERY dense and thick.

I don't exactly want to textlax, but I would like to retain lots of body and thickness, yet have the hair look smooth when I rollerset it.

What do you think?
Have you used it? If so, How did you use it, and What were your results?

Any other recommendations?

If your hair is dense and thick, I recommend that you use Index 11. I am 4a, with fine - medium texture and Index1 barely relax my hair.., but, that's the way I like it.
Thanks for your reply, Mystic.

I think I want my hair "barely relaxed" as well. But I don't want it to tangle easily. I don't know if it's possible to achieve both - i've heard textlaxed people complain about tangles.

My hair is dense, but like I said, the strands are fine. I have a whole lot of strands - so it looks extra thick,. I would think that the effectiveness of the relaxer would depend on the resistance of the strand, and not how many of them there are, if you know what I mean.
I also don't want a strong relaxer now, because a month ago I did a comb through with a kiddy "softener" - essentially a very weak relaxer. Don;'t want to damage my hair and have it fall out.

Your hair looks pretty straight in the second pic you posted (Phyto). Is that the result of a roller set? If so, what is it like when you don't rollerset?
How long did you leave the Index I in? Did you smooth or comb through?
Any more replies?

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I use index I and IMO it straightens just as good as a stronger version (II) would. The pics in my fotki are from the first time I got a relaxer with Phyto I but I just got my second relaxer with a Phyto I and let it relax a little more.... in some places my hair is almost straight (and I'm not really happy about it). But it really depends on what you want and how quickly you want results. I'll post some pictures within a week but right now I am in mourning....:(
ebonylocs said:
Princess, are you dissatisfied with the way Index II affects your hair?

It looks nice and thick and shiney.

Thanks. I'm happy with index 2, but I'm curious about index 1 for retaining more thickness.