Another winner from L'Oreal!

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Another winner from L\'Oreal!

L'Oreal has a new line out called "Smooth Intense", and of course being the sucker for anything with the word "smooth" in it, I had to try it. I picked up the serum and the conditioner, and here are my thoughts on each.

Smooth-Intense conditioner
I thought this would be somewhat like the L'Oreal Unfrizz Smoothing Treatment, but it isn't. My hair didn't feel as smooth and silky with this like it does with the Unfrizz Smoothing Treatment. In fact, it left my hair kinda hard and weird feeling! Almost sticky! I won't buy this again.

Smooth-Intense Anti-Frizz Serum
Now this is a keeper! It's a light serum that's supposed to be applied to towel dried hair. This is the perfect serum to pair up with the Unfrizz Smoothing Treatment. It really maximizes the smoothness and silkiness when used together. I like that it has cones as well as an oil, which makes it really good at sealing in moisture. Love this and love the price even more. It was only $3.19 at my grocery store, so I encourage my fellow PJs to go on and pick this up.
Re: Another winner from L\'Oreal!

Thanks for the review Tee. The serum sounds good. BTW, I can't believe I don't have a serum in my supply of hair care products. This means I will be on the hunt for one really soon.
Re: Another winner from L\'Oreal!

BRH starts thinking: 'should I try this serum? after all, you know you love the loreal unfrizz smoothing treatment" but then she thinks: 'but what about your beloved Keracare silken seal? don't you always love that too?' then she thinks: 'yeah, but isn't there always something out there even better? and this new serum has oil in it too!' she then thinks 'perlease, you just want to try it and will have any justification
' and she then thinks 'but Tee said it works perfectly with the Unfrizz conditioner and its super cheap so it won't hurt the wallet'

Final decision BRH decides 'maybe I'll sneek over to the beauty supplies and try it

The other part of BRH whispers 'weak. you are sooo weak
Re: Another winner from L\'Oreal!

That sounds like some of the conversations I have with myself! My life is a horror story--"The PJ Within".
Re: Another winner from L\'Oreal!

BRH, you're cracking me up with your inner thoughts!

Anyway, I don't think this serum is a good substitute for Keracare Silken Seal or any similar thick serums. The L'Oreal is thinner in consistency (almost like an oil, but not greasy at all), and I think it works best on wet/damp hair (like the instructions say). I don't like it on dry hair. It doesn't add the shine on dry hair that other silicone products do. This one seems to almost absorb into the hair rather than coat it the way most silicones do. It does add shine, but not a lot. I think this product is best for those looking to smooth out hair and get rid of frizz when air drying or roller setting/wrapping. If you're looking for a shine serum, look elsewhere.
Re: Another winner from L\'Oreal!

By the way, if anyone is interested in trying this, look for it in your grocery store. I noticed that Rite-Aid and CVS are charging about double what it cost in the grocery store.
Re: Another winner from L\'Oreal!

I hate when I find out some hair products and even lotions and skin creme are cheaper in the grocery stores than at the drug/beauty stores like CVS. It would seem that the hair and beauty products would be more expensive at the grocery store since it isn't a food staple, so when CVS and Rite Aid charges me, it seems like a rip off!....or is it just me?
(Breathe, T-, breathe....ahhh, I'm okay now -- but it still isn't right!)
Re: Another winner from L\'Oreal!

Hey Tee

I dunno, I have my keracare ss, plus my Lanza Protecshine (which I like alot too) so I may exercise restraint this time and pass for now.

It sounds really good but I have to use what I have.

Must.....stay strong.....
Re: Another winner from L\'Oreal!

omg i was about to post till i saw i already did. that is so weird how i dont even remember this thread.
God bless you all.
Re: Another winner from L\'Oreal!

The Smooth-Intense Anti-Frizz Serum does wonders for my hair (I used it on wet hair only). But, I'm returning the LUST. It didn't work any better than Tropical Avocado, IMO.
Re: Another winner from L\'Oreal!

What exactly does the keracare silken seal do to your ends? I was almost tempted to purchase it last nite but my wallet somehow got legs and ran out of the store. By the time I caught up with it (it also somehow managed to start the car) it was already home.
Re: Another winner from L\'Oreal!

What exactly does the keracare silken seal do to your ends? I was almost tempted to purchase it last nite but my wallet somehow got legs and ran out of the store. By the time I caught up with it (it also somehow managed to start the car) it was already home.

[/ QUOTE ]

God bless you all.