another transitioning realization

Mook's hair

New Member
Hi Ladies,
I know I haven't been active much lately but I'm still hanging around.
I am 17 months into this transition (yep still hangin' in there)
I still have days when I wanna throw the towel in but I wanted to share my latest realization.

My braidouts & twist outs are for crap! The relaxed end length does not hold on to the twist pattern the same way the new natural roots do. :wallbash:

I know ya'll are gonna tell me it's time to BC but. If you haven't guessed by my 17 month time-line...I'm going for the long long transition.

Also I gotta say I'm loving Silk amino acids right now - they make my hair so soft and silky.
And Aloe vera juice - great for moisture.
And I'm happy with the Bee Mine Growth Serum this is the first time I've used a growth serum and it is giving some good results.

I haven't made a plan yet for the fall /Winter, I know the weather will be changing here soon in NJ and I need to get my game plan together. I don't do the cornrows so much when it is cold because my head gets too cold.

Any ideas or theories?
Nothing from me, but i'm going to stalk your fotki in amazement of how you are 17 MONTHS post. Yep, Yep....yes i am...
hey!!! glad to see you're sticking with it!

why not put in some box braids, kinky twists or know, to cover your scalp. (teehee)
Congrats and good luck!!!! I'm 18 months post so I know how you feel. :yep:

I started having the same issues with braidouts, and the remedy was a trim. :look: I happened to not be attached to my length at all so I didn't mind it one bit. I was hovering at WL at the time, and I am completely content with BSL so I took a few scraggly inches off and my hair looked and behaved much better.

Now, I'm a blunt BSL (got about an inch of texlaxed ends...) and my braidouts are soooo much better.

So, I say snip just a little bit. Just a half inch will make a big difference.

And if you haven't already, try some tiny magnetic rollers (snap on) on the ends to get them to curl and follow the pattern of the style.

Do you do your braid/twist-outs on wet hair? Try doing them on dry pre-stretched hair, the waves will be more uniform. After your hair is dry just add your leave-ins, oils and braid it up.
Hmmm...I was immediately going to say stick with what you know...the cornrows (they are gorgeous) until you said that it made your head cold. Hmm...what are you're thoughts on fake hair? Hats?
i was going to do cornrows & braids during the winter and just wear a tam or something. you are my cornrow inspiration:yep:
Napplicious, I am going to be stalking your album. You hair is the BOMB! I plan on transtioning for about 12 months. I am currently only three weeks post relaxer. I have a fotki also. I will be posting by 1 months new growth at the end of the month.
Napplicious, I am going to be stalking your album. You hair is the BOMB! I plan on transtioning for about 12 months. I am currently only three weeks post relaxer. I have a fotki also. I will be posting by 1 months new growth at the end of the month.
Napplicious, I am going to be stalking your album. You hair is the BOMB! I plan on transtioning for about 12 months. I am currently only three weeks post relaxer. I have a fotki also. I will be posting by 1 months new growth at the end of the month.
Napplicious, I am going to be stalking your album. You hair is the BOMB! I plan on transtioning for about 12 months. I am currently only three weeks post relaxer. I have a fotki also. I will be posting by 1 months new growth at the end of the month.
Thanks for the encouragement ladies.
Yes, I do my braidouts on dry hair and then I add setting lotion after it is all braided up. I never liked the way my braidouts turn out when I start with wet hair.

Yes, I think maybe a small trim is in order. Good suggestion I will probably do that soon.

I like hats in the winter. I think I'll get some silk scarves to wear under them to keep the hat from drying out my hair.

My DH doesn't really care for the fake hair so I usually try to avoid it. Lately with my current length, I don't need it like I used to.