Another Successful Retouch!!! (Thank You!!!)


New Member
Well, ladies and gents, I had my hair retouched again and I must say that I am very pleasantly surprised
. My hair is much longer and now hangs down past my shoulders to a little past my shoulderblades. (This from a woman who would never "see" any difference from retouch to retouch

Last retouch, I waited 16 weeks and my stylist told me that I gained 3.5 to 4 inches. This time round, I waited 13 weeks and my stylist didn't say anything this time, but I am guessing that I gained 2.5 inches. Methinks that the difference is growth has to do with decreasing my MSM consumption (see, I was taking 4,000 mg during the first phase without realizing it---so I decreased it down to 1,000 mg---don't know why...). I have since upped my MSM intake to 4,000 mg again, in anticipation of meeting my brastrap goal in May 2004.

I didn't need a trim or dusting because I had one in September and because of all the protective styling and rinses that I have been doing. In short, I feel that my hair is very healthy and in the best shape that it has ever been in!

Once again, thank you ladies and gents of LHCF for your great tips and inspiration

That is so great, I love it when I really notice a difference in the health and length of my hair. Keep up the good work
Congrats Chichi!!
My touchup is coming up in a few weeks, and I sure hope I'm as happy after mine as you are!!
Congratulations Chichi! No, it's not too late to look forward to your February touch-up! February will come so quickly anyway!
katie said:
Chichi,are you still taking Kaire MSM?...Oh and congrats on your progress!

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks katie. Yes, I just about finished up my kaire MSM. It made my new growth looser and softer. i couldn't take that much of it because, as you know, it is a complez of vitamins too and I was also taking other B vitamins as part of my regimin.

I have changed over to KALA OptiMSM, which is just pure MSM. It will allow me to take higher quantities and my other B vitamins. I am hoping that it will work as good as the kaire

Way to go, Chichi! Doesn't it feel great to see progress? I know what you mean about getting touchups in the past that never showed length. Thank goodness for all these fabulous tips!
Thank you Nyambura
. I know, I used to be one of those people where touchup after touchup, I would not notice any results
. My hair was growing but I was not retaining any length (of course, I didn't have a regimen back then).

Now, it feels good to finally see some progress.
