Another Self-Relaxing Question


New Member
Hello Ladies,

For some crazy reason, I decided to self relax this weekend. The last time I did this was 2 years ago with Phytospecific. My hair came out slightly under processed since I didn't smooth the relaxer in as much as I should have.

I placed an order with Paynes's for the Mizani Butter Blend System. Hopefully, it will arrive before the weekend.

I have done a lot of research on self-relaxing over the last week and I have a question.

I have always used the horizontal method. But, I noticed that some of you use the vertical method.

Can someone clue me in on the advantages/disadvantages of each method?

I apologize if this has been posted previously.

Appreciate your responses! Thanks!
Hello Ladies,

For some crazy reason, I decided to self relax this weekend. The last time I did this was 2 years ago with Phytospecific. My hair came out slightly under processed since I didn't smooth the relaxer in as much as I should have.

I placed an order with Paynes's for the Mizani Butter Blend System. Hopefully, it will arrive before the weekend.

I have done a lot of research on self-relaxing over the last week and I have a question.

I have always used the horizontal method. But, I noticed that some of you use the vertical method.

Can someone clue me in on the advantages/disadvantages of each method?

I apologize if this has been posted previously.

Appreciate your responses! Thanks!

Hi MissB...

With regard to the method of applying the relaxer. I think it is based more on preference.

I have seen where the application process seems faster with the vertical method but the person I saw doing was a pro so they have been doing it for a awhile.

I will stay with my tried and true horizontal as I can gauge the new growth better...

I'm a self relaxer. I'm not a pro. I'm extra slow, in fact, so slow that I have to do the half and half method. I like the vertical parts coz I can see way better, all the way to the end of the part. In the back of my head, however, I do the horizontal parting using two mirrors coz the back of my head is pretty small.
I'm a self relaxer. I'm not a pro. I'm extra slow, in fact, so slow that I have to do the half and half method. I like the vertical parts coz I can see way better, all the way to the end of the part. In the back of my head, however, I do the horizontal parting using two mirrors coz the back of my head is pretty small.

I used the horizontal method with the 2 mirrors back in the day. I was thinking about pulling out that three way makeup mirror and trying it again.