Another question about Deep Brillance


Well-Known Member
I got my DB Moisture Shine Treatment yesterday. I was so excited that I couldn't wait to the weekend so I washed my hair last night
I must say that it didn't take that much to cover my hair. I just knew that I would only get two applications out of it. Anywho, it felt sooooo good in my hair that I didn't want to rinse it out. But since I had to, I couldn't wait to see/feel the results. After rinsing, my hair felt like silk. I air dried it in a bun and the whole time I kept touching my hair. It continued to feel like silk......until it was completly dry. It was still soft, but no where near like it was while it was drying. After my hair was dry, it felt like it does with any other conditioner
So, what happened? Should I have used the other DB prodcuts in order to keep the super silky feeling?
Aw shoot I was afraid that was going to be the case. Just when I had my PJism in check...well sorta
I guess I'll be buying that this weekend.
Nope, the only DB product I used was the Moisture Shine. Do I need to use the shampoo too?
I like the shampoo but my stylist says you don't absolutely need it, but it is very hydrating. The Deep Brilliance Manage is a leave in conditioner. You don't need the glisten and the reflect. Glisten is more for finishing a style.

If I had to go with one, I'd take the Reflect. Reflect is for wet or dry hair, it's a leave in and "Instantly increases the moisture level and strength of the hair with pure Silk." It adds shine and gloss.
When I use the DB line I use the poo, CO and Leave-in. I love the results I get with all three. Hair is soft and supermoisturized. ALso, you will notice that the condition of the hair improves dramatically with each use. I rotate this line with Kenra
Thanks ladies. It's going to be extremely cold here this weekend, so I'm going to be in the house but as soon as I get the chance, I'm getting the shampoo and the leave-in. If the combo leaves my hair feeling as good as the conditioner did, then I'm going to be in love

I just had a thought. I guess this line would be a perfect example of it being better to use the same product line for optimum results.
Um, I thought I posted on this thread
--where'd it go?

Anyway, yes--I have used the shampoo &leave-in every time & I feel that this line works best with it's own shampoo.