Another Prayer Request


New Member
Hello ladies! The Word admonishes us to pray without ceasing, which it waht I strive to do. I pray daily for all of you who ahve mde pryaer request and who are part of the fasting and pryaer team. I thank those of you who prayed for my and mine the last time I made a request. The Lord blessed. My husband will be taking his board exam the end of September. I am now and will be requesting tha tyou all keep him in your prayer that he will not only pass this exam, but excel. My request right now is fo rhis car and mine. WHen my FIL was here, he replaced the battery and altenator in hubbys car. The car was sitll giving us the bleues. Found out today it's the transmission. $2000 to$2800 to fix. Ya'll, the car is a 1994 Mitsubishi Galant with 205k miles on it. THank the Lord it has lasted this long, but ya'll know this car is not worth more than about 100 to 400 bucks, if that much. So, I am requesting that you ladies pray for something to work out in our favor regarding this car. We can't afford another car right now. We really need this one to last a couple more years. Of course th Lord may be preparing something better for us that we know nothing about. At anyrate, we need either the funds or another car. As far as my car is concerned, please pray that it holds up and that I hold up. THere has already been a recall issued for my car, but taking it in is the issue. It's nothing serious though. It's just so exhausting having to drag the kids out early and fight traffic to take hubby to work downtown, fight traffic to come back and the rush to my job, then later go back downtown to pick him up and fight traffic yet again both ways. And did I mention that gas ain't cheap no mo'??? Anyway, thank you ladies so much for your support and prayers. God bless you all.
I'm praying for you about your car. Im in the same boat right now. My alternatoring I have been told is going out, along w/ countless other issues.
We'll have to keep each other in praye over these cars. God will come through when He's ready.

Shellz, we doon't know yet what we're going to do. Going to talk to some relatives and see what's they think. Hope we can find out something soon. Thanks for asking.