
New Member
Hello LHCF!! I am yet another newbie gracing the boards! I have been lurking religiously for about 10 months now and I felt that it was time for me to finally become a member so I can thank every last one of you lovely ladies for the priceless information. My hair health has done a complete 180 since I found LHCF and I am so grateful! :grin: I have picked up a lot of great habits, as well as some not so great habit (recovering PJ), but I have enjoyed every minute of my new found knowledge and just wanted to thank you ALL!!! :love3:
Welcome mama, this board will look so differently to you now lol. There are other boards on here are that were not permitted to you. Enjoy yourself mama, and have a happy growing journey. Do you have a fotki?
You are sooo right...I've been an official member for about 10 mins and I feel like I've never been in the forum before. Lol. I don't have a fotki. I don't even know how to upload a profile picture. Lol. So much to learn. And any help would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome!! :) You'll be glad you joined. It's even more fun posting than it is just reading the information. :yep:
WELCOME!!!!! You and Steffiejoe are going to learn sooooo much from these wonderful ladies! :yep:

Welcome MzShouldaLength :welcome:
I think you may be changing your username v. soon (MzBraStrapLength or something like that :grin:). Sounds like you've taken a lot of the info from the forum on board and you'll just continue to learn more and see more progress!
Congrats on what you've achieved so far and happy hair growing!
:welcome4::welcome3::welcome2: from another :newbie:!!!! I am learning so much more now as a member and I'm happy for that!!! HHJ to you and may we all reach our goals!!!
Welcome MzShouldaLength :welcome:
I think you may be changing your username v. soon (MzBraStrapLength or something like that :grin:). Sounds like you've taken a lot of the info from the forum on board and you'll just continue to learn more and see more progress!
Congrats on what you've achieved so far and happy hair growing!

:grin: Thanks! If I knew how to change it, I would. Lol. I was shoulder length when I found LHCF but thanks to you lovely ladies, I am working my way to bra strap length!! :woot: