Another NEWBIE! So glad to be here!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone!

I just wanted to finally introduce myself (long-time lurker) and applaud this site for all the wonderful information and support it offers. I first stumbled upon this site in January of '07 after a horrific experience with a crazy stylist (who considered a "trim" to be cutting my past-shoulder length hair to chin length) and left my hair damaged and dry :sad:).

I've learned so much here and have definitely changed the way I take care of my hair. I'm proud to say that I'm almost APL and definitely credit it to the awesome advice and inspiration of the ladies here. THANKS!

I'm looking forward to posting pics and sharing stories and info. :yep:
Welcome! :hiya:

Sooooooo........ Where's the pics?

j/k :)

(not really) :look:

Coming by the end of next month (promise)!
My cousin did a sew-in for me last week (front braided back in cornrows and the rest falling down in loose curly hair). I'm at home on bed rest and due with my baby boy at the end of the month (and taking care of a very energetic 18-month old), so I really didn't want to have to deal too much with my hair being out at the moment. But I plan to ditch the sew-in sometime in February.
Coming by the end of next month (promise)!
My cousin did a sew-in for me last week (front braided back in cornrows and the rest falling down in loose curly hair). I'm at home on bed rest and due with my baby boy at the end of the month (and taking care of a very energetic 18-month old), so I really didn't want to have to deal too much with my hair being out at the moment. But I plan to ditch the sew-in sometime in February.

Congrats on your awaiting bundle of joy and welcome sweetie :grin:!
:hiya3: and Welcome...I am a newbie as well so I know how it exciting it is to be apart of this wonderful site. Good luck and your hair journey :yep:
Hello everyone!

I just wanted to finally introduce myself (long-time lurker) and applaud this site for all the wonderful information and support it offers. I first stumbled upon this site in January of '07 after a horrific experience with a crazy stylist (who considered a "trim" to be cutting my past-shoulder length hair to chin length) and left my hair damaged and dry :sad:).

I've learned so much here and have definitely changed the way I take care of my hair. I'm proud to say that I'm almost APL and definitely credit it to the awesome advice and inspiration of the ladies here. THANKS!

I'm looking forward to posting pics and sharing stories and info. :yep:

Welcome! Wow, almost APL! You need to share your regiment with us sometimes. congratulations on your progress
Welcome! Wow, almost APL! You need to share your regiment with us sometimes. congratulations on your progress

Well from January to June I was in cornrows, weaves, and phony-ponies (barely had enough hair to make this happen :lachen:). I wore them from 4-6 wks at a time, took them out and washed, deep conditioned, etc.). While my hair was in these styles I'd wash at least twice a week and moisturize everyday. That was pretty much my simple regimen. I also stayed away from heat and over-manipulation. I like wearing sew-ins with the curly (remi) hair because I never have to worry about flat ironing, etc.

As for products, my items were all over the place because I'm a horrible, horrible product junkie (I've filled my bathroom cabinets on both my side and my husband's side, AND our bedroom linen closet with my shampoos, conditioners, etc. :ohwell:).

Once I take out my current sew-in (next month) I plan to return to this simple regimen:

*bi-weekly shampoo (I'm alternating btwn CON and Nature's Gate)
*start pre-pooing
*I love co-washing
*daily moisturizing with ORS olive oil and sealing it in w/ oil
*using heat once a month, if that
*protective styling, esp. bunning

I have to admit that it seems to me my hair grows the fastest when in cornrows or sew-ins, but I attribute the strength and health of my hair to proper care and maintenance. When my hair was damaged last January I thought that there was no way my hair was going to bounce back from it, and I had never before known or learned how to take care of my hair and keep it healthy--until now!