I forgot the name of the product, but it is made by those people who make that brush that turns automatically and styles your hair -- it is, I guess, a comb that you comb through your hair and it snips the fly-aways and trims ONLY the split-ins. Has anyone seen this informercial and if so, what do you think?
I think that it is a good invention, because dusting or trimming only the split ends takes a lot time and it is very difficult once that you get to the back of the head. What I did notice was that all of the models had straight, fine wavy hair, or relaxed hair. Also, the fine print says that it works differently on different textures of hair. To be blunt, none of the models were 3c or in the 4s.
Would you think that this product would work on 3c-4 hair? I would say that it would end up cutting large portions of hair, at least in its natural state. But if the person flat-ironed or straightened the hair, this thing could work.
Just my thoughts.
I think that it is a good invention, because dusting or trimming only the split ends takes a lot time and it is very difficult once that you get to the back of the head. What I did notice was that all of the models had straight, fine wavy hair, or relaxed hair. Also, the fine print says that it works differently on different textures of hair. To be blunt, none of the models were 3c or in the 4s.
Would you think that this product would work on 3c-4 hair? I would say that it would end up cutting large portions of hair, at least in its natural state. But if the person flat-ironed or straightened the hair, this thing could work.
Just my thoughts.