Another Horror Story! Naturals weigh in...


New Member
A friend of a fellow LHCFer just had to cut her thigh length, 4b natural hair up to her ears......:blush:


Here's the back story:

One of her children contracted lice in school and brought it home. Everyone in the house got it. Because they all have 4b hair, it was pretty difficult removing the nits because of the curls. She couldn't get the nits out at all and tried every method in the book. She had the lice for MONTHS and couldn't get it to go away.

She manipulated her hair so much so that the front of her hair began to mat and eventually lock'd.:nono:

Because she didn't have the money to go to a doctor/ get the meds/ect to get help, she had no choice but to take the scissors had start hacking...:blush:

She's nearly bald now, after being thigh-length for almost half her life.:nono:

So, would you have taken the same route? What (if anything) could have been done differently here?
A friend of a fellow LHCFer just had to cut her thigh length, 4b natural hair up to her ears......:blush:


Here's the back story:

One of her children contracted lice in school and brought it home. Everyone in the house got it. Because they all have 4b hair, it was pretty difficult removing the nits because of the curls. She couldn't get the nits out at all and tried every method in the book. She had the lice for MONTHS and couldn't get it to go away.

She manipulated her hair so much so that the front of her hair began to mat and eventually lock'd.:nono:

Because she didn't have the money to go to a doctor/ get the meds/ect to get help, she had no choice but to take the scissors had start hacking...:blush:

She's nearly bald now, after being thigh-length for almost half her life.:nono:

So, would you have taken the same route? What (if anything) could have been done differently here?

Oh wow :nono:

I've read that henna kills lice...

I would have gotten the money to get some meds. You can go the the pharmacy and get SOMETHING for a reasonable price.

OMG... so much hair lost? That's too bad :(
Tips from a Primary school I used to work for:

Tea tree oil and a cheap conditioner (not quite sure of quantity - would have to experiment) as a lice treatment.
Oh my goodness...

I'm still in shock over this one. Thigh-length to ear-length and not by sad.

I think I would have done as Neith said. I would have gone to a pharmacist, talked about my "situation" and asked for alternatives. Or gone to a neighborhood clinic or general hospital and not waited months.

But then again, this is all third person hindsight. To be honest, all I can do now is send best wishes :(
Did the rest of the family with 4B hair have to cut everything off too?

No Way / No How! There is no way I would have hacked off all that hair. I would have found a way to get rid of the mites. I probably would have started with the medicated shampoo. Even if I had to go to PetSmart and use the kind that is for Cats.
I would have Tried that First. I would have used baking soda & Vinegar. I would have tried to burn the suckers out with a hot comb or flat iron! After straightening my hair I would have used one of those flea combs from the pet store.
Hell, I bet some Relaxer would have fixed the problem. I mean if it's your last resort and you're gonna cut it bald anyway. Why not...Lice would never survive the chemicals of a relaxer.

Then I would have cornrowed and been dousing my scalp with aloe vera juice every day.
There's always a way. I might have even got that FRONTLINE product that they used to get rid of my cat's Fleas!
Please believe me! I would have found a way!
Did the rest of the family with 4B hair have to cut everything off too?

No Way / No How! There is no way I would have hacked off all that hair. I would have found a way to get rid of the mites. I probably would have started with the medicated shampoo. Even if I had to go to PetSmart and use the kind that is for Cats.
I would have Tried that First. I would have used baking soda & Vinegar. I would have tried to burn the suckers out with a hot comb or flat iron! After straightening my hair I would have used one of those flea combs from the pet store.
Hell, I bet some Relaxer would have fixed the problem. I mean if it's your last resort and you're gonna cut it bald anyway. Why not...Lice would never survive the chemicals of a relaxer.

Then I would have cornrowed and been dousing my scalp with aloe vera juice every day.
There's always a way. I might have even got that FRONTLINE product that they used to get rid of my cat's Fleas!
Please believe me! I would have found a way!

you took the words right out of my mouth -- first thing i thought was RELAXER...ain't no way i would have cut all my hair off like that. or at least tex lax...
Did the rest of the family with 4B hair have to cut everything off too?

No Way / No How! There is no way I would have hacked off all that hair. I would have found a way to get rid of the mites. I probably would have started with the medicated shampoo. Even if I had to go to PetSmart and use the kind that is for Cats.
I would have Tried that First. I would have used baking soda & Vinegar. I would have tried to burn the suckers out with a hot comb or flat iron! After straightening my hair I would have used one of those flea combs from the pet store.
Hell, I bet some Relaxer would have fixed the problem. I mean if it's your last resort and you're gonna cut it bald anyway. Why not...Lice would never survive the chemicals of a relaxer.

Then I would have cornrowed and been dousing my scalp with aloe vera juice every day.
There's always a way. I might have even got that FRONTLINE product that they used to get rid of my cat's Fleas!
Please believe me! I would have found a way!
:lachen::lachen:Girl not the frontline!!You are a trip
Did the rest of the family with 4B hair have to cut everything off too?

No Way / No How! There is no way I would have hacked off all that hair. I would have found a way to get rid of the mites. I probably would have started with the medicated shampoo. Even if I had to go to PetSmart and use the kind that is for Cats.
I would have Tried that First. I would have used baking soda & Vinegar. I would have tried to burn the suckers out with a hot comb or flat iron! After straightening my hair I would have used one of those flea combs from the pet store.
Hell, I bet some Relaxer would have fixed the problem. I mean if it's your last resort and you're gonna cut it bald anyway. Why not...Lice would never survive the chemicals of a relaxer.

Then I would have cornrowed and been dousing my scalp with aloe vera juice every day.
There's always a way. I might have even got that FRONTLINE product that they used to get rid of my cat's Fleas!
Please believe me! I would have found a way!

yeah I would have had to found a way too
I've had lice before. With that being said, when you have thick hair, the lice can't breathe so the climb to the surface of the hair. They are usually easy to pick out that way.

My Grandmother washed my hair with okra leaves and that got rid of all the lice. If I were in her position, I'd do my research first, try every remedy before I cut.
I had lice once as a kid--I don't know what my mom used to kill them off, but I do remember getting my hair pressed for ease of treatment (Or did that burn them off??? Eewww) I'll have to ask my Mom. I don't think we used anything fancy but we got rid of them and I didn't have to cut my hair--which was nowhere near thigh length. But I loved my hair and my Mom knew it. I can't believe all that hair was cut off.

Shame you didn't take a pic before she cut it off. :ohwell:
I don't understand why she did that. A cheap lice treatment is mayonnaise. just slather it on and it smothers the lice. There are also over the counter treatments. She did not have to cut her hair.

ETA: so, it was matting that did her hair in. . . hmm, I would have bombed my house and got new sheets, pillows, combs, etc. But I have never heard of lice that difficult to get rid of.
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Did the rest of the family with 4B hair have to cut everything off too?

No Way / No How! There is no way I would have hacked off all that hair. I would have found a way to get rid of the mites. I probably would have started with the medicated shampoo. Even if I had to go to PetSmart and use the kind that is for Cats.
I would have Tried that First. I would have used baking soda & Vinegar. I would have tried to burn the suckers out with a hot comb or flat iron! After straightening my hair I would have used one of those flea combs from the pet store.
Hell, I bet some Relaxer would have fixed the problem. I mean if it's your last resort and you're gonna cut it bald anyway. Why not...Lice would never survive the chemicals of a relaxer.

Then I would have cornrowed and been dousing my scalp with aloe vera juice every day.
There's always a way. I might have even got that FRONTLINE product that they used to get rid of my cat's Fleas!
Please believe me! I would have found a way!

Girl you said it for me, I would have gotten rid of them without cutting!

A hot comb
plastic baggy
tea tree oil

They would have been hauling *** out of my hair, hell, out of my house!
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Whew! When I heard this story I was so mad. I know I would have tried ANYTHING before cutting my hair. There were so many questions I want to ask the friend, but Its not my place.

OUCH, butterfly, you said BOILING!!! WHOO!

Nonie, I dont know her personally, she's in another state. I've met her, but never saw her hair out.

I agree Sweet Cashew. Interesting, never thought of okra.

Mook, that relaxer would have dont them in! Man I wish I had of known that! That could have saved her hair!

Sunrise, I think she tried the tea tree and it didn't work for her.
IMO, she let it go on for too long. I dont know if she had to cut her kiddy's hair.

MKinkerbelle, you hair is so pretty!

Neith, I didn't know about the henna. Interesting.
I know that as a little girl, my Grandmother had an infection growing in her hair ( from going swimming everday and not getting her hair washed)and the doctor said all her hair would have to be cut off. my great grandmother refused( cutting hair was a no-no) and started to deal with it at home. finally after a long while, it was healed up. So if she COULDN'T cut her hair, where there is a will, there is a way.
I would have used some of those lice treatment thing and flatironed to comb out, shoo I woulda relaxed first before chopping, but sorry to hear it though...
Did the rest of the family with 4B hair have to cut everything off too?

No Way / No How! There is no way I would have hacked off all that hair. I would have found a way to get rid of the mites. I probably would have started with the medicated shampoo. Even if I had to go to PetSmart and use the kind that is for Cats.
I would have Tried that First. I would have used baking soda & Vinegar. I would have tried to burn the suckers out with a hot comb or flat iron! After straightening my hair I would have used one of those flea combs from the pet store.
Hell, I bet some Relaxer would have fixed the problem. I mean if it's your last resort and you're gonna cut it bald anyway. Why not...Lice would never survive the chemicals of a relaxer.

Then I would have cornrowed and been dousing my scalp with aloe vera juice every day.
There's always a way. I might have even got that FRONTLINE product that they used to get rid of my cat's Fleas!
Please believe me! I would have found a way!

Both of the bolded were my first thoughts. Not to mention that now she cut her hair and still hasn't been to the doctor or treated the problem so the lice ain't gone nowhere.
I am so hurt for her...I have never had any experience with it myself, but I do alot of natural things and whenever I am researching the benefits of an herb for conditioning or strengthening for my hair or scalp benefits, invariably lice treatments come up as well as part of a list. It came up when I was researching tea tree oil, epsom salt, neem, fenugreek, dead sea salt, henna, apple cider vinegar and more, so I have to co-sign with everyone else on this. Also, epsom salt is such a phenomenal detangler, that the matting and tangling issues, I would imagine, would be minimal.
Are the lice gone now, how did she get the lice out of the house? If not, maybe you can recommend some of the things being said here for her and her family.

You said she had no money to get the lice product but using on her head just some plain kitchen oil a conditioner bag (Hot oil treatment) and then borrowing someones hair dryer to do a good blow dry.

It may not save her but possibly someone else with 4b natural hair that get lice.

My goodness. I have NEVER EVER SEEN in my life THIGH LENGTH 4B Natual Hair!

BillyJay do you have pictures of her hair as it was in the past? I hope I don't sound morbid but seeing something like that as a 4B Natural is like Hair Utopia. Someone in this day and age actually achieved such a goal with hair like mine.
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I'm not natural but my 6 year old daughter is and I know I would have explored any and every option of treatment before cutting her hair off.

I would have been on the internet searching hair boards, medical boards, pet boards and home remedy boards trying to get help.

This thread is too sad... I feel for this woman. She did the best thing she knew to do... even if other people would have been resourceful enough to figure out a different way.

On the upside, though, this thread is inspiring to me. I want to get to classic length as a 4a natural. If this woman, who doesn't sound (obviously I don't KNOW her personally, but from her reaction to this situation) like she knew all of the hair care options she had, can grow her hair to thigh-length... then I should be able to grow mine out at least to Classic length, if not longer! :gorgeous:
If it was me, those months where she was letting it go on would be filled with trying every known remedy. I would end it with a texturizer.
Hi Ms Cocoface!!!:grin:

Nope, sadly, I didn't know her that well, but I hear her hair was nothing short of dreamy!!!

LAWD, If I could have hair that would reach my thigh you couldn't tell me NOTHING! I said NOTHING!!!:grin:

Are the lice gone now, how did she get the lice out of the house? If not, maybe you can recommend some of the things being said here for her and her family.

You said she had no money to get the lice product but using on her head just some plain kitchen oil a conditioner bag (Hot oil treatment) and then borrowing someones hair dryer to do a good blow dry.

It may not save her but possibly someone else with 4b natural hair that get lice.

My goodness. I have NEVER EVER SEEN in my life THIGH LENGTH 4B Natual Hair!

BillyJay do you have pictures of her hair as it was in the past? I hope I don't sound morbid but seeing something like that as a 4B Natural is like Hair Utopia. Someone in this day and age actually achieved such a goal with hair like mine.
She was one of those women who grew her hair with little to no products. Kept her hair in a pony and went on her merry little way.:ohwell:

This thread is too sad... I feel for this woman. She did the best thing she knew to do... even if other people would have been resourceful enough to figure out a different way.

On the upside, though, this thread is inspiring to me. I want to get to classic length as a 4a natural. If this woman, who doesn't sound (obviously I don't KNOW her personally, but from her reaction to this situation) like she knew all of the hair care options she had, can grow her hair to thigh-length... then I should be able to grow mine out at least to Classic length, if not longer! :gorgeous:
You have to smother them. Load her head with petroleum jelly over the weekend or something. Also tea tree oil helps kill them. A while ago a little girl I tutored had them and her mom said she couldnt come until next week. So me being nosy I asked why and she told me. She had WSL 4a hair. I asked her mom what she was gonna do and she told me a tub of vasaline mixed with tea tree oil. She said she was gonna leave it on all weekend under a plastic cap. She came back to school the next week fine. A lil greasy but fine LOL