An emotional affair..


Well-Known Member
When we got married I told my husband I wanted us to start being a praying couple. So, we started praying night and day. (he is a contractor in Afghan) I told him I wanted him to be the spiritual leader in our family, but it just seemed it went on deaf ears. When he would pray sometimes it was so fast that I didnt' even understand what he was saying half of the time. I think he was just doing it to passify me. I used to pray about our marriage, that God would talk to my husband and touch him and let him be the spiritual head. Well he did.
The night before my birthday I am looking at hubbys emails at the junk mail because he is always forgetting to look at stuff. But, then I see that in Feb he sent an e-card to a woman, that was not me. I opened it and it read something like missing you and always thinking about all the time. I was DEVASTED. CRUSHED. How could MY God fearing husband have an affair? I called him on it and he told me that he didnt do anything wrong because... he did not have any physical contact with her and yes the email was inappropriate. Well, I was like it doesnt' matter. He then told me that he found the woman very attractive and it started lusting after her and then had a friendship where he grow an emotional connection. Well, after he said that my heart checked out. It was like my life was turned up side down and I wanted out of this lie of a marriage. The next morning I woke up from only two hours of sleep (which was on my birthday) and I had made up my mind to contact an attorney to serve him separation papers when he arrives in the States. My mind was made up. I had checked out.
Then, later that day I recieved a phone call. From his boss, who is a very Godly man and is also his karate instructor.
Atfirst I was thinking that this was just his "buddy" calling me to try and talk me to coming back so I had him on mute... until, he said that before he even picked up the phone to call me that he prayed to God to be able to talk in the spirit to me. When he said that he had my attention. He told me that yes my hubby was wrong. And that he knew he was sorry as he had broke down infront of him like a baby. He said that Satan is a deciever and he decieved my husband to think that a friendship with a woman he was attracted to was "ok" he said he went through the same thing, except when he went to home on one of his breaks, it was his wife who befriended another man and confided in him so he understood my hurt and pain. But to look at it from a spiritual perspective that Satan WANTS to destroy marriages of believers not the unbelievers because he already has them! And that when Satan saw a crack in my husband (lusting after this woman) that gave him an opening to decieve. WOW. Then he said what God brought assunder let no man tear apart. Then he said hubby was very sorry and that he would pray with him and have Bible study with him.
When my husband did call me it was like new revalation. He knew that he was being decieved. His boss told him that he must stay in the Bible. Not only just pray put to be fed the word constantly. Its funny cause I used to say why dont you ever read your Bible over there? And he would say " yeah yeah, I need to" but now he is like "honey, twice a day we will go over the word TOGETHER" When he wakes up in the morning now he goes to his bosses room for Bible study, then he calls me and we have Bible study. I love it. Now he is acting like the husband I always wanted him to be! In a short time so much has been revealed to him from God. Its like God had to knock him down to get him to wake up. I told him God wanted me to see that email, because if not he would have continued living a lie. But now he is becoming the man I always wanted him to be. Now when he prays its with a purpose, with passion, with his heart. He's not just doing speed prayers to please his wife. This mourning when he called me I just wanted to read the paper and drink my coffee. Half way through me reading the paper he was like " honey please put your newspaper down and open your Bible with me and lets do Bible study before I have a meeting to go to, its for our marriage."
I love it. God is soo soo good. Yes it hurt to hear that he had an emotional affair. But, I know that inorder for God to make him the man He wanted him to be, He had to bring it out to light.
God is good!
I am telling this story not to put "my business" out in the street. But, I feel that maybe this story can help someone else. Had his boss not went through the same thing, I think it would have been tough for him to get through to me.
Thanks for sharing your story and I'm so glad things have worked out for you.

And I think the point I get from your story is one that I think about but can't often put into words - marriages are given up on TOO EASILY and I think that is the work of the devil. Things go wrong and people take it as an out and out they go. That's what satan wants! I'm so glad that you were convicted and didn't give up on your marriage.

This is another reason why I think people should really pay attention when God says married is married. Dating someone separated is dating someone married. Who knows God's plan for that separated couple. Don't interfere with that.
Thanks for sharing your story and I'm so glad things have worked out for you.

And I think the point I get from your story is one that I think about but can't often put into words - marriages are given up on TOO EASILY and I think that is the work of the devil. Things go wrong and people take it as an out and out they go. That's what satan wants! I'm so glad that you were convicted and didn't give up on your marriage.

This is another reason why I think people should really pay attention when God says married is married. Dating someone separated is dating someone married. Who knows God's plan for that separated couple. Don't interfere with that.

I totally agree!

OP, glad to hear your prayers are answered and your marriage saved!
When we got married I told my husband I wanted us to start being a praying couple. So, we started praying night and day. (he is a contractor in Afghan) I told him I wanted him to be the spiritual leader in our family, but it just seemed it went on deaf ears. When he would pray sometimes it was so fast that I didnt' even understand what he was saying half of the time. I think he was just doing it to passify me. I used to pray about our marriage, that God would talk to my husband and touch him and let him be the spiritual head. Well he did.
The night before my birthday I am looking at hubbys emails at the junk mail because he is always forgetting to look at stuff. But, then I see that in Feb he sent an e-card to a woman, that was not me. I opened it and it read something like missing you and always thinking about all the time. I was DEVASTED. CRUSHED. How could MY God fearing husband have an affair? I called him on it and he told me that he didnt do anything wrong because... he did not have any physical contact with her and yes the email was inappropriate. Well, I was like it doesnt' matter. He then told me that he found the woman very attractive and it started lusting after her and then had a friendship where he grow an emotional connection. Well, after he said that my heart checked out. It was like my life was turned up side down and I wanted out of this lie of a marriage. The next morning I woke up from only two hours of sleep (which was on my birthday) and I had made up my mind to contact an attorney to serve him separation papers when he arrives in the States. My mind was made up. I had checked out.
Then, later that day I recieved a phone call. From his boss, who is a very Godly man and is also his karate instructor.
Atfirst I was thinking that this was just his "buddy" calling me to try and talk me to coming back so I had him on mute... until, he said that before he even picked up the phone to call me that he prayed to God to be able to talk in the spirit to me. When he said that he had my attention. He told me that yes my hubby was wrong. And that he knew he was sorry as he had broke down infront of him like a baby. He said that Satan is a deciever and he decieved my husband to think that a friendship with a woman he was attracted to was "ok" he said he went through the same thing, except when he went to home on one of his breaks, it was his wife who befriended another man and confided in him so he understood my hurt and pain. But to look at it from a spiritual perspective that Satan WANTS to destroy marriages of believers not the unbelievers because he already has them! And that when Satan saw a crack in my husband (lusting after this woman) that gave him an opening to decieve. WOW. Then he said what God brought assunder let no man tear apart. Then he said hubby was very sorry and that he would pray with him and have Bible study with him.
When my husband did call me it was like new revalation. He knew that he was being decieved. His boss told him that he must stay in the Bible. Not only just pray put to be fed the word constantly. Its funny cause I used to say why dont you ever read your Bible over there? And he would say " yeah yeah, I need to" but now he is like "honey, twice a day we will go over the word TOGETHER" When he wakes up in the morning now he goes to his bosses room for Bible study, then he calls me and we have Bible study. I love it. Now he is acting like the husband I always wanted him to be! In a short time so much has been revealed to him from God. Its like God had to knock him down to get him to wake up. I told him God wanted me to see that email, because if not he would have continued living a lie. But now he is becoming the man I always wanted him to be. Now when he prays its with a purpose, with passion, with his heart. He's not just doing speed prayers to please his wife. This mourning when he called me I just wanted to read the paper and drink my coffee. Half way through me reading the paper he was like " honey please put your newspaper down and open your Bible with me and lets do Bible study before I have a meeting to go to, its for our marriage."
I love it. God is soo soo good. Yes it hurt to hear that he had an emotional affair. But, I know that inorder for God to make him the man He wanted him to be, He had to bring it out to light.
God is good!
I am telling this story not to put "my business" out in the street. But, I feel that maybe this story can help someone else. Had his boss not went through the same thing, I think it would have been tough for him to get through to me.

That was a great testimony; I especially enjoyed reading that what God had to say about your marriage was the final authority. :)
I'm not married yet, but I always pray about my future marriage because I've seen what the devil can do to marriages and I strongly feel when you're joined together you have to constantly be on alert for the enemy. Its not only a beautiful story and testimony, it's also an illustration of God turning the bad for good and to give Him the glory. Keep praying...