Amla Oil

glad you enjoy the smell. I still say it smells like baby boo boo. lol :grin:.
I still use it as a pre poo and disregard the smell. and it works GREAT as a prepoo to me. It's sort of weird in that it partly smells ok and partly funny but it's tolerable for an hour or two. After my son told me it smells kind of good and kind of bad I just don't wear in public.

So do ya'll wear it as regular hair oil or prepoo?
pinayprincess said:
DOES NOT STINK, LIARS!!!!! :grin: ;) :p

And Amla Lite smells LOVELY! I love it.

Here's to my Indian regimen!

I agree, it does not smell bad and I don't have the lite version. Hey did anyone notice a "Best if Used By" date on the box? I ordered mine from the ishopindian web site and the box's date was 04/03..I think:eek:
mppaul2 said:
I agree, it does not smell bad and I don't have the lite version. Hey did anyone notice a "Best if Used By" date on the box? I ordered mine from the ishopindian web site and the box's date was 04/03..I think:eek:

What I have noticed on most indian products I buy is a "use within 2 years of mfg date" statement. A lot of products that I've seen on the shelves have either been expired or within 6 months of their expiry date. Since there seems to be a higher turn over at the local store lately (Where the lurkers at?! :scratchch), this doesn't seem to be a problem anymore.

As far as Amla Oil's smell...still not minding it at all! :lol:
amr501 said:
From what I've been reading, some people are using it to pre-poo with and others are using it to seal in moisture. HTH :)

Thanks. :) I have some from my PJ days but forgot the benefits. :lol:
The Vatika smells pretty awful though.... Yikes.
My boyfriend's awesome, though. He doesn't mind either. He supports my goals. :D Yay for him!
pinayprincess said:
The Vatika smells pretty awful though.... Yikes.
My boyfriend's awesome, though. He doesn't mind either. He supports my goals. :D Yay for him!

:lol: :lol: It's great that he's supportive!
pinayprincess said:
The Vatika smells pretty awful though.... Yikes.
My boyfriend's awesome, though. He doesn't mind either. He supports my goals. :D Yay for him!

LMAO!! :lachen:

That's so funny that you think the Vatika stinks and the Amla smells okay, my nose is totally the other way around! I like the Vatika but the Amla, oy! :lol:
I don't like the smell!!! however its great for hot-oil treatments on dry hair, it always leaves my hair soft and moisturised.
Just did a test last night, and Hello Hydration really covers up the smell for you naturals. I use HH as a leave-in.........

....and CO wash, and pre-poo, and rinse-out and...however else I can use it!!