Amazing's hair journey recap *pics*


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, just want to say Happy New Years, and may all of you reach your goals. I haven't been on LHCF much at all since the summer, mainly due to the lack of leisure time, and then all of the changes the site was going through made it less desirable for me, etc. I may have lurked here and there and posted every now and then, but not nearly as often.

I'm glad to see things are back to normal for the most part, with a few cool changes. I also got the app for my new iPhone that I've used a few times to post. However, I finally got some time to browse a little more yesterday, and realized I haven't been updating my pics like I was supposed to. Sooo, for all of the threads I've missed posting in like, end of the year progress pics, APL by 2010 (sorry ladies), etc., I've decided to just post my progress here.

Um, my progress could have been better, and it could have been worst. So all-in-all, I guess I'm content. Okay, so enough of the chit-chat, here are some pics:

back shot (the very beginning Aug 08; just for general reference)

NOW, here's LAST YR's Progress:
(end of December '09)

(April '10)

(July '10) not much progress

(Nov '10) i could have straightened my hair much better for this pic

front shot (Apr '10) not the best pic, but the only front shot I had to compare to the rest..

front shot (July '10)

front shot (Nov '10)

(Nov '10 again)

*last two front November pics were taken a week before the back shot pic of November*

Some extra info:

**I've been wearing weaves and wigs for protective styles for the greater part of 2010.

**I'm still transitioning, and June 2011 will make 2 years. :yay: I cant believe I'm still dealing with these two textures. :lol: I guess since it's been braided for the most part.

**I have no pics for December as I installed a sew-in weave. But, I think I may have just made APL going by my November pic.. we'll know for sure when I take the braids out in March.

**My last trim was March 2010, so, I will trim as soon as I take the braids out as well. I'm due for one..

**My regimen is inconsistent, however, when I'm in braids, I try to keep them in under my weaves/wigs for 2-3 months at a time, and take a 3-4 week break in between. I wash and DC every two weeks while the braids are in, and I do a MEGA wash, protein treatment, and the whole nine when I take the braids out.

**Glad to be back, hopefully I will have more time to be on LHCF like I want.. I missed u guys :grouphug:
wonderful progress and congrats for making it 2yrs into your transition. Are you planning a BC or just going to slowly trim away?
Wow! You've come a long (and thick) way! Great progress!

Sent from my Comet using Long Hair Care Forum App
wonderful progress and congrats for making it 2yrs into your transition. Are you planning a BC or just going to slowly trim away?

For now, I'm planning to slowly trim until it's all gone, or BC once my natural-textured hair reaches APL, whichever comes first. But it's getting there. I think, and hopefully, my natural hair will actually reach APL first.. and it won't even be much of a BC.
my current length is about your Dec '09 pic. ihope my hair grows to Nov '10 pic as fast and pretty as yurs :grin: